Goober Bang

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Goober_Bang joined around late may early June of 2018. At first he was invited into the server by his real life friend who's in game name is "bustun". He quickly joined the server and had joined bustun in the nation of Austria , lead by 74beetle. After the first couple of days Goober_Bang left Austria to explore the nation of Japan lead by Lucas2011 and was stunned at the landmarks and architecture. His friend bustun split up to join MineHero's communist nation of Seaterica at the same time.

The Beginning

Being a super active player and a great architect Goober_Bang quickly took 6 empty plots in Tokyo and improved the otherwise mostly empty plots of northern Tokyo. He built his own Pagoda house , Pagoda farm , and a public park with a monument to commemorate the Japanese people.He has made these grand building in less than a week and was slowly building up his reputation in Japan.

The Betrayal And The Forgiveness

Later he found himself in a call with MLGTerra who lead Seaterica the nation that bustun moved to. Terra had convinced Goober to tp trap Minehero and in return gain Terra's trust and and access to Seaterica. He gave in tp trapping Minehero the current Shogunate of Japan at the time , but what Terra did not expect was for Minehero to log off the game last second preventing him from being killed. Terra soon make a suffocation trap for when Minehero would log back on , and Goober kept gaining Terra's trust. The call went on for around 4 - 6 hours in the early morning and ended at around 9:00 am , and during all this time Goober was communicating and gaining Terras trust. When Terra had finally left at 9:00 am Goober not only destroyed the Suffocation trap but the entire town as well with builder permissions that Terra had given him. The changes were rolled back by admins but Goober still kept the items from which he profited off of.

After the entire ordeal Goober was given a 3 day ban which he successfully appealed. After coming back to Japan his reputation was strengthened , especially with Minehero who he had betrayed but saved. He was forgiven and he continued his life as a Japanese Citizen.


Military Life

Goober_Bang soon found himself fighting in the Jing-Japanese war. Jing has settled a city on the Japanese mainland and Japan had quickly declared war after Jing rejected to destroy the city

. Goober was a volunteer in a militia and was ready to fight the Jing. He was nearly successful at a few skirmishes with him and the Japanese volunteers but no casualties were ultimately had on either side. Soon after the word got around that Japan declared on Jing , MLGTerra and his friends had joined as expeditionary forces to help the Jing in their war. Now Terra and Goober were face to face once more but it was late and pvp in Tokyo had been turned off so the confrontation had lead to nothing.

As the night faded and the morning sun rised the Jing city of Brasov had disappeared. It is unclear what occurred but the town was gone and now the Jing-Japanese war had opened to a much larger scale than before. Now the war wasn't centered around a plot claim but a entire continent.

Jing is Highlighted in Yellow , Japan in White.

Korean ambitions

Goober quickly saw an opportunity and took it. He moved out of his 6 plots in northern Tokyo and started a new ambitious project. He had moved to Japanese owned Pyongyang lead by ar828 and became a Councillor. He saw the move as an opportunity to show off and improve his skills of architecture in more than just 2 plots but an entire nation. He quickly had made a friendship with ar828 and in the first 1 day had made a harbor , a pub , and a conference center.