Kaiserreich is a nation in Europe based off of the German Empire from irl during WW1. Kaiserreich literally translates to Empire.
The nation began under the wings of Prussia, based in Ost-Preussens, after the collapse of Nazi Germany, Prussia and the remnants of the Nazi Reich unified into the Kaiserreich under FrederickIII
Kaiserreich was founded under the name Nazi_Germany by Adolf_Hitlar on November 18th, 2018.
Anschluss of Nazi Germany
When Adolf Hitler was banned the Kaiserreich broke away and eventually annexed all of Hitler's failed Greater Reich and Hitler and most of Nazi Germany had to flee to another server.
Kaiserreich is a Constitutional Monarchy ran by FrederickIII and his elected Kanzler (currently suspended elections).
Dabmacht *coming soon*
The Architecture of towns in Germany is usually based off of irl German Architecture. Neu_Berlin, the capital of Kaiserreich has the Reichstag, Brandenburg gate, Victory Column and soon the Berlin Kaiserliche Palast.
Notable people
- FrederickIII
- xWaazes
- Nick
- KoningWout
- Sivankar
- JustNinja02
National newspapers and pop-culture
Realpolitik *coming soon*