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Revision as of 01:21, 20 November 2020 by >MorginiTheGini (→‎History)
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The Empire of Québec is a strong nation located in North America, and is the founding province of a greater meganation called Greater Quebec or Imperial Quebec.

Leadership as of November 19th:

  • Morgini_ (King and Head of State)
  • enanemes_ (Prime Minister and Head of Government)

Map of Quebec circa Middle of November 2020


First Growth Period and Formation

Québec (formally Laurentides) was formed on 26th January 2020 by (former) King Hodin, and founders Vandetti and Bobbelbo. The capital was set as Montreal, with the new capital being Saguenay (After Hodin's abdication). The first towns to join Québec were Montreal, Alma and Hamilton and they grew rapidly. The town of Montreal had been a massive town before founding the nation of Quebec, with over 90 residents but it only continued to grow. That is until leadership started to decline in activity, and the beggining of the decline period started.

Decline Period

Around the months of March-May of 2020, Quebec started experiencing a rapid decline. This was en-par with the declines of other massive nations in the region, like Canada which struggled to maintain its residents and towns. Later due to stable, compitent and active leadership on behalf of the Quebec government at the time however, things started to change. Morgini_ who just became king at the time, along with other officals like enanemes_, RonikJ, MrStealYoBeans and others started to revive the nation starting the second growth period.

Second Growth Period

Quebec started experiencing stable economic and population growth a few weeks after Morgini took the position of King in May. He appointed enanemes_ as Premier of Quebec, along with several ministers including RonikJ, MrStealYoBeans and Scout_97. Morgini and his team started rebuilding Quebec into an economic and militaristic powerhouse, and the results of that still show today with Quebec's stance in North America as a superpower and in the Commonwealth as a strong ally to Britain.


Québec is placed in North-Eastern America. Its town and core region is located around the Saint-Lawrence river and gulf, as well as the flowing bassin of the Great Lakes. It holds a strategic location around this river and has water access to the Great Lakes region, the Mississipi River, and New England and other parts of the US and Canada.


Québec holds itself extremely well. It has a great mining industry and the weapons and military equipment factories are selling their stock extremely well. Both of those economical activities make Québec a nation with a lot of money flowing though it.  

With factories all over the place, it can be said that Quebec also is an industrial might with thousands of produce produced in bulk every single day. 

There are shops in the freshly new built /n spawn Québec inbetween 3 major towns (Saguenay, Montreal and Trois-Rivieres) in which residents from around Quebec are selling their goods at very low cost. Most important figures of these shops are Hodin (Montréal), Morgini (Saguenay), _Takii (Ascension), enanemes_ (Trois-Rivières) and PyroAlBlaze (Trois-Rivières).

Political system

The nation is ruled by a constitutional monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy. Its Emperor is Morgini and Prime Minister enanemes_ is accompanied by a parliament and cabinet of ministers to decide upon state affairs. The PM and cabinet are elected by Quebec's citizens every month. A constitution is being created to outline what powers the government has, how the government will work, and the rights and freedoms of all Quebec citizens.



Important figures

Hodin (Former King and former Mayor, now mayor again), Bobbelbo (Former co-mayor (quit)), Vandetti (Former councillor (quit) but now gets online once and a while when he can), A_Macbook_Pro (Former councillor (quit)), MrStealYoBeans (Former Mayor)


Montréal initially started out as a town named Sainte-Thérèse. It was not initially named Montréal since the name was already taken by a bordering inactive town. The trio who started Montréal watched and waited eagerly for old Montréal to fall to claim their territories and unite the two islands of Montréal. Once the islands were united into what is now the Island of Montréal, the town changed its name to what it's known for today.


Montréal experienced an enormous population boom when it first started as its high ranking players were really active at that time. It grew from a 3 player town, to a Metropolis in the span of 3 weeks. From there it grew its influence to what is today known as the Kingdom of Québec.

Current population: 33

Canadian Republic importance

Montreal was the capital of the Canadian Republic, preceded by the former capital and oldest CU town of Bridgeton, Canada. Montreal also used to be a part of Canada before it ceded to form Laurentides, now Quebec.

Other info

Montreal, in late April 2020 has experienced a heavy decline of which is not recoverable easily. It's population dwindled. Some of the most important officials in Quebec and all of the officials of Montreal left EarthMC as a temporary quit. On April 24th there was a ceremony to pass the crown to now King Morgini_, from Hodin. Most of the important figures took part, such as Hodin, Bobbelbo, and Vandetti who are quit, as well as Morgini_, _20h (MrStealYoBeans), enanemes_, and RonikJ who did not quit. After the crowning ceremony, Morgini_ became king and pvp was enabled in the two plots of which the ceremony was taking place which led to a massive pvp battle for fun. A few casualties had occurred during the battle, with almost no items lost.

Montreal as of September is now a town recovering from its recession faze, and has grown since its downfall with the return of its former mayors Hodin and Vandetti. Its economy boomed with its mayor Vandetti, earning 2000g since he quit (Quit again due to personal reasons). The town has been able to claim again, claiming several key areas. As of July it is the richest town in Quebec.


Important figures

Morgini_ (Mayor, King), MrStealYoBeans (former co-mayor), Joe_Pichu (Councillor)


Saguenay was formed on the 4th of April 2020, with the disbanding and reclaiming of Hamilton by the town of Alma. Since then it has became the 2nd biggest town in Quebec and the 2nd biggest by land area. The town features multiple sections, the main city east of the lake, Hamilton district west of the lake, and in the far south, the nation spawn. The nation spawn is cut off from the rest of the town by a volcano arena, which hosted a server pvp tournament.


Saguenay currently has 13 inhabitants

Other info

(To be edited)


Important figures

enanemes_ (Mayor), RonikJ (co-mayor), Scout_97 (former councillor), zaa_wardo (councilor), MC_Carrot (former councillor, now banned), PyroAlBlaze (Shopkeeper)


Trois-Rivieres was founded on March 29th, 2020 after it's originally planned founding of March 24th. Trois-Rivieres was founded by mayor enanemes_ and co-mayor RonikJ to have building space for their planned projects both in industrialization and building. The town is the most industrialized town in the Quebec according to it's mayor, and one of the most industrialised in the Canada. Trois-Rivieres was one of the fastest growing towns in Quebec as of the 13th of April 2020, in both land and population, but has steadily declined.


Trois-Rivieres has 5 residents

Other info

Trois-Rivieres is open for former/current Quebec residents to get free embassies if they have good building skills. It is also mainly an Industrial-Victorian style town, with other styles ranging from Modern to European to Medieval.


Important figures:

_Takii, Winterphish


The town of Ascension was created in the area of " La Baie des Chaleurs the 13th September 2020 by _Takii.

The town was supposed to be created on a later date, but due to the neighboring nation of Acadia creating a town in the approximate area of where _Takii wanted to create his town, he had to make it sooner. Following negotiation, the Acadian town ended up disbanding and Ascension claimed the area.

For over two months, _Takii has been terraforming the area to get rid of the rocky taiga and create lands more adapted for a town.

Current Population:

13 residents.

Hamilton (Now part of Saguenay)


Hamilton was created on 3rd January 2020 by 32Java. His councillor - Differ3nt helped him a lot in building the town. On 26th January Java decided to change its name from Saguenay to Hamilton because he felt like Saguenay didn't fit his conditions. The same day Hamilton joined Quebec. The town has over 65 chunks now.

Later Hamilton was passed on to former mayor MrStealYoBeans, where he and former Alma mayor Morgini_ formed the Lake Union. This town partnership would become the foundation of the unified town of Saguenay, which is now under mayor Morgini_.


Hamilton had 6 inhabitants at its height

Other info

In the place where the city was founded, a mysterious temple was previously located, which was buried by Hamilton settlers. Legends say there is a hidden gold warehouse below the city.


Important figures

TheCoaler1 (Mayor), Ducky4408 (Former Mayor and founder), LavishNick (Former Co-Mayor).


Ottawa was created on May 15th, 2019, as a replacement for a previous town that had fallen. Ottawa was a very active town during its first month of existence, until it's mayor at the time, Ducky4408, quit EMC and abandoned the town. Most of the other residents either went inactive or left during this period, until Ducky was kicked out and Financier55 took over as mayor of the town. Ottawa became part of the nation of Ungava (now Canada), and many of it's original houses and buildings were demolished by Financier, as they were deemed "unnecessary". One of the buildings demolished was a shop built by TheCoaler1 (the only other active resident at the time), which was still in the process of being built. Angry that his hours of work had been destroyed, he vandalized the town arena and posted signs around town saying "OUR MAYOR IS A C**T", one of which still exists to this day. Financier55 quit EMC that day, and has not been seen on the server since. After this, the town remained almost completely inactive. New residents would join, be seen for one day, and then go inactive until they were kicked out. As of April 20th, the town lost it's only other active resident besides TheCoaler1, who has been unsuccessfully trying to recrute people to join the town. 


Ottawa has experienced a massive decline in population over the course of 2020. At its height, Ottawa had upwards of 60 to 70 residents at once, many of them active residents who would contribute to the town building projects. In July of 2020, TheCoaler1 began recruiting residents, and Ottawa's population briefly rose to a yearly record of 7 players. Sadly, it has fallen back to 1 as none of the recruited residents were willing to log on more than once.

Other info

Ottawa is currently the oldest town in the nation of Quebec (having been founded over a full year ago).

Its architecture is primarily modern, and it features replicas of both Parlaiment Hill and 24 Sussex Drive. It also contains what is likely one of the largest melonist churches on EMC.

Ottawa has been a part of three different nations of Quebec. The original Quebec, the Ungava Quebec (now called Canada), and the Laurentides Quebec.

(Old) Alma (Now part of Saguenay)


Coming soon (needs editing)...


Coming soon (needs editing)...

Other info

Coming soon (needs editing)...



Coming soon (needs editing)...


Coming soon (needs editing)...

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Coming soon (needs editing)...

Charlesbourg (Now part of Trois-Rivières) (Fallen)


Charlesbourg was founded by Qxmax07. He built on the island south of Charlesbourg and it eventually fell on April 6th 2020, meaning that Trois-Rivieres could annex it and make it a district.


Charlesbourg had a population of 1 at its height



AtlantisCity was a city founded on the gulf of the Saint Lawrence. It has since fallen.


Atlantis city had a population of 1

Other info

AtlantisCity was a spectacular underwater town, with lots of work put into glass domes under the Saint Lawrence.


Important Figures

CodeBRC (Mayor), SuperSim77 (Councillor and original Braine resident)


The town of Braine was founded on 12 February 2020 by Jerayz and Ch1ck3n_. Shortly after the town was founded, Braine joined the Quebec. It fell on (forgotten date) and was re-created by Code_BRC a few days after, a former Trois-Rivieres resident. As of now, it is claiming back the ruins of the old town.


2 inhabitants.

Other info

Braine is a Medieval styled town, it is located along the Fleuve Saint-Laurent. It is also completely french, which is now almost a rarity in Quebec as of November 2020.

(Second, Now Fallen) Alma

The second Alma was founded by a new player called TechGamer5555. It was invited by enanemes_ to join Quebec, and it did. The mayor went inactive however, and the town later fell. The mayor has since come back to Quebec, after being in multiple other nations.


1 inhabitant

Current elected government of Quebec

  • Prime Minister - enanemes_
  • Deputy Prime Minister - 32Geo_
  • Min. Archetecture - Hebi, Vandetti
  • Min. Internal Affairs - Hodin
  • Min. Foreign Affairs - Morgini_, _Takii
  • Min. Defence - _Takii, zaa_wardo
  • Min. Infrastructure - 32Geo_
  • Min. Economy - MrStealYoBeans, PyroAlBlaze


Quebec is well known for its economy and its shear size, however, the region's demographics are not well known. Most of Quebec's people have an income range of between 32g and 1024g+, with the average being 208g a month according to a study done by enanemes_ in July. Some players make over 1024g a month, with some even making that in a week. Over all, Quebec's most active players make a decent sum of money with most in general being in the middle-upper class compared to server standards. This means that Quebec has an immense buying power and GDP, making it very successful.