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Seward (Pronounced "soo-urd") is a Yukonian town founded and owned by ArcaPlays after leaving Nubia on January 9, 2021. The town is geographically located on the Seward Peninsula of Alaska, where the name of the town came from.

Seward Flag.png
Town Information
Economic System
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor ArcaFace.png ArcaPlays
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors


This section covers the history of Seward, including the previous town which existed prior.

Also, please note that much of the history is unknown, as very little to nothing was written down during the previous town's existence.

The Very Start

The history of the area which is now known as Seward started back on December 29, 2019 when a player name ii_Lion logged onto EarthMC for the first time. Not long after, Lion created a town called "Nome" in the IRL location of Nome, Alaska as a part of Kodiak. Very little is currently known about what went on during the time that Nome existed.

Fall of Nome

On August 24, 2020, ii_Lion logged off for the last time and never came on again. Nome would fall on October 6, 2020 after Lion's 42 day countdown finished. 2 months later on December 2, a former resident logged onto EMC and found Nome to be gone. He left a plaque in one of the houses, which was found by Arca when he first walked through the area. The plaque was moved next to the spawn. The plague stated that Nome had fallen and that the writer had built the docks of modern-day Seward.

Founding of Seward

Prior to the founding, Arca was the mayor of a Nubian town. He was a part of Nubia for a very long time until he made the decision to leave Nubia for reasons. After scouting for a location for a new town near west Alaska, he found an abandoned town on the Seward Peninsula that he found favorable. He shortly after gave his town to someone in order to hold it, and then founded Seward and claimed a lot of the former town. At the time of founding, little to nothing was known about the area's history.

Plans of the Future

In the future, its been planned to make Seward the largest westernmost town on EMC. With plans to have a large residential area, as well as a large industrial sector in order to set up the future. The town is set to expand mostly west until it hits the coast of the southwest of the peninsula, as well as north for more residential space. Large sections of the mountain cutting the town in half were flattened down to y95 in order to place houses in what is called "High Residential" with more flatting to the east coming soon. An area for manual and automatic farming is almost completed as of writing to the east of the storage building. A shopping district is planned to be south of this, with shops of different kinds to mostly cater to the current and future residents of the town.