South Mersa
South Mersa is a town that is part of Nubia, has a status of proxy town belonging to Mersa lead by gorkymoo1119. Currently, Apkl_19 is the mayor and Nopnop100 founded the town. The town used to reach 50 residents when Nubia reached 1000 residents. Nowadays, South Mersa has 1 resident (the mayor) and the city didn’t change a lot.
Early History
When Mersa reach 50 residents and have finished the half of the city compare to today, Nopnop100 and gorkymoo1119 talk each other to create the city. Some days before the creation, it began to explore the surroundings and decide where to establish the town. On March 20th, the town was created and began to build some houses.
First buildings
Some of the first building was the t spawn building of the city that still intantact nowadays, also Erick2317 created an ice road station to connect to rest of Nubia, some days later it was demolished by Nopnop100 and make a better-looking ice station, also some houses were built for the first residents
First residents and participation in Mersa/Nubian politics
Nopnop100 began to recruit and entered to Nubian politics by gorkymoo1119, it directly participate in the period of Yemeni Kings and creation of Mersa Ethiopia, also it was a trusted person with gorky
Money and attacks to kraftier
Due to new sign shops Nopnop100 easily make money with animals and other valuable items and quickly gain 1k gold in 2 weeks, also participated in kraftier attacks to defend or to attack the town, also began with map art.
Leaving South Mersa and calm
Nopnop100 left South Mersa at September 10th and passed the ownershop to the current mayor Apkl_17 due to be a good resident and for now things are calm in the city