Californian Creation Era

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The Creation era spanned from the early access period of EarthMC Terra Aurora to the release of the server to the public. This period was marked by the creation of California and several of its major towns.

Southwest United States on the First Day of Terra Aurora


Terra Aurora was released at 4:00 PM GMT on Sunday, 1st of May 2022. All players were spawned within the Asian continent, making for a long trek to access the New World. Unbated was the first Californian to arrive in North America, entering from the East Coast region of New York. Cubs_ was the second Californian to arrive at the continent, landing in Santa Barbara. Sa_0110 was the third Californian to reach North America, landing in Los Angeles, slightly south of Cubs_. The town of Los Angeles was created, becoming the first town in the Americas. After this, all other founders teleported into Los Angeles after joining the town. The beginning of the server was rough, due to multiple crashes, leading to doubts that California could be the first nation created in the Americas. However, the players online at the time, including Starkiller1744, Cubs_, Unbated, THEF2PN00B, Sa_0110, and watergod continued to mine for gold to create the nation anyways.




After nearly two days of collecting gold, the nation of California was finally created on the 3rd of May, 2022, at 4:57 AM GMT by StarKiller1744.