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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
National Information
Full Name Союз Советских Социалистических Республик
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem State Anthem of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Motto Workers of the world, unite!
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG15 (Aug 23 2024)
Chunks 188 (Aug 23 2024)
Capital City Siberia
Largest City
Oldest City
Language(s) Englishflag.jpg English, French.png French, Flag of Russia.png Russian
Government Information
Political System Greek/Athens Democracy
Economic System Communism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The CCCP (Cyrillic: Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, Romanized: Soi͡uz Sovetskikh Sot͡sialisticheskikh Respublik) is an Asian country spanning the northeast corner of Russia. Siberia is the capital and largest city of the CCCP.

Goblin City

"While not much is known of pre-CCCP Siberia, some basic information is available. The original name of the town was "Goblin Town", and it was founded on October 8th, 2022 by MacinaBox_. The original flag of Goblin town appears to be a yellow sun upon a green tapper, bordered in red; this isn't certain however, since only one such banner remains. It is also possible that early settlers of Goblin Town were non-English speakers, based on the accounts from Marisad City during that time.

Few signs remain from this era, with the notable exception being under the dragon monument, stating "The Great Dragon who fell to the hands of the Goblin King". There are also 23 shop plots and 7 embassy plots left from this time, but who's they were are unknown." - Sirkent115


"During June of 2024, Goblin City was bought from MacinaBox_ by Buubbie for 500 gold. It was then renamed to Siberia, and the nation Chukokta was renamed to CCCP.

Since the purchase, over 10 members have join, and current efforts are underway to reopen the town's shops, and to make contact with other towns in the area for trade and alliances." - Sirkent115

Politics and Government

The CCCP is a [1] [2] led by Buubbie who is the Supreme Leader of the CCCP.


Architectural Wonders

Dragon Statue

The outskirts of Siberia hold a grand statue presumably constructed by former Supreme Leader MacInABox_ located in Siberia


Structure over watching vast fields of abundant wheat located in Siberia


A Christian Church for all located in Siberia

Storage House

Modern glass building with an abundance of chests soon to be made into a shop. The Storage house is located in Siberia

Notable People