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Izan founded in 1/15/2023, Bought from Captainfra . Initially known as "Busan", the ownership of the land was transferred to Zelcedes by Ufo845 for 50G, making Zelcedes the new Emperor of Izan while Ufo845 became the President.

Izan, located in southern Korea, adopted fascist and imperialist policies with a focus on building a modern city with a strong army and expanding its territory.

On February 18, 2023, Izan (formerly Busan) decided to leave Korea and join Southern Japan. Octasion (sxmckz) joined Izan later and became the right-hand of the Emperor, making Octasion one of the special characters in Izan. As of today, the total population of Izan is only 12, including 3 government officials, workers, civilians, and military personnel.

Izan welcomes new players to join and is an open town. Their ultimate goal is to become an independent nation, but the lack of sufficient funds has prevented them from achieving this goal. Izan has undertaken several top-secret projects, such as Izan Project A and B, which only the high-ranking officials are aware of, as well as Izan Project C, which focuses on making the nation stronger, larger, and better.