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Lithuania is a nation, stretching from the coast to as far as the eye can see. Lithuania's lead by Aurorienn and was founded by Aurorienn, EstEmpTY and MozneFoxant on December 8th, 2024. It has nineteen amazing towns and its capital is Vilnius.


Lithuanias' history is quite short but rich.

Baltic era

The earliest roots of the modern Lithuanian Kingdom had begun with the fall of former Vilnius. On October 10th 2024 Aurorien created the modern Vilnius and three days later, EstEmp followed his great friend at creating a town in Lithuania. EstEmp had created Šiauliai on the 13th of October 2024. A day after the creation of Šiauliai, Radviliškis was formed by Rokazsz and Worldlyevil. All three of the sister towns bonded together in Baltic for several months, ensuring close cooperation and expansion. Aurorien had funded the expansion of all three towns. On November 1st Kėdainiai was created by Egonas6000 and Mavzis, however it quickly had fallen into inactivity. The close cooperation between Lithuanian towns had slowly drifted the region apart from Baltic. Lithuanian towns were self-sufficient and politically distant from the rest of Baltic, which had focused on the north. The three founders: Aurorien, EstEmp and Moznefoxant had decided in favour of autonomy and so it was. On the 9th of December 2024 the Lithuanian Kingdom was established, initially a part of Baltic Meganation. The first royal council included the three founders and namsab, who has also been in Lithuania since the day 1. The noble council was also established on the same day. During this time, notable people joined, namely Krysuvik and ltpocius who both joined the town of Šiauliai. On december 10th Krysuvik created the town of Alytus, and on the same day ltpocius was given the inactive town of Kedainiai, which he renamed to Prienai. During the autonomy, Lithuania signed Friendship treaties with Czechia (modern day Estonia) and Finnmark (modern day Fennoskandia). On December 15th, independence was declared, after an unanimous vote in the Royal Council in favor of independence.

Independent Lithuania early days

Hours after the declaration of independence, the Netherlands had recognized the independence of Lithuania. The relations between Baltic and Lithuania were in strain, worries of conflict were on the surface, but it was all avoided. Days after, Lithuania applied for OFN observership status, at that point Lithuania had barely 30 residents. On the 29th of December, OFN voted in favour. The rest of december was quiet, nothing major happened, everyone anticipated 2025.

Rapid Expansion

After the celebrations of the new year, Pilsudskopolis under Inspektor_Gadzyt had joined the nation. Few notable players joined: Hasan2016 and y_lea. The nation of GDL (Lithuania_Duchy) was bought, and with it Trakai joined the nation. Rietavas under Kenkulas074, Masty under Piscuss and Lentvaris under DomuzJonesy all joined the nation. Hasan2016 was given the town of Wilno, which he renamed to Moletai, which had proven to be an important town a month later. On the 6th of january the town of Telsiai was bought and given to Y_lea, which she renamed to Klaipėda. The last town to join during the rapid expansion era was Kaunas under Makuferis. During this time the population had grown to 70+ and a total of 10 towns. Besides rapid expansion, during this timeframe Lithuania had joined her allies with the war against Scandinavia. A new alliance with Lapland was forged and the Founders day, the creation of The Meslina Entente which is led by EstEmp and the signing of NAP and Border Agreement with Baltic, which ceased all tensions in the region were the prominent events of this era. At the end of this era expansion had largely stopped but the population did not stop growing.

Internal Renaissance

This era had begun after Lithuania reached 100 residents. Notable player Salbru decided to join, greatly aiding towns within Lithuania and joining Lithuania with New_Helsinki and Nokia until Tavastia was created. The preparations for big elections occurred during this time period and the ministries were announced. Tragheim was bought, Lithuania reached 80 claim bonus. A massive economical project was executed, which is still in progress. An union with Tavastia was signed, Meslina Entente rapidly expanded. On the 30th of January, Lithuania officially joined OFN as a full member.


In the Lithuanian government, there are the Royal council, Ministries and Noble Council. Their share of power is divided, with the royal council being the main legislative institution. When it comes to voting, the Royal Council and Ministers can vote. If it is a national situation that requires the attention of everyone in Lithuania, Residents vote as well. Residents also vote during the elections.


The King of Lithuania is Aurorienn, and the Crown Prince is EstEmpTY. They are both the executives.


Most of the Mayors are in the Council. As for today there are Aurorienn (Vilnius); EstEmpTy (Šiauliai); y_lea (Klaipėda); ltpocius (Prienai); Hasan2016 (Molėtai); and Krysuvik (Alytus). Other Mayors, who aren't the part of Council, are still being heard out. There are Makuferis (Kaunas); Egonas6000 (Trakai); Rokazsz (Radviliškis); Inspektor_Gadzyt (Pilsudskopolis); Yugo59560 (Rietavas); DomuzJonesy (Lentvaris); Piscuss (Masty); and last but not least - KarIFazer (Nokia).


Lithuania is taking part in two alliances - OFN and Meslina.


Lithuania has 7 allies at this moment: Kingdom of Vironia; Kingdom of Tavastia; Republic of Estonia; Duchy of Latvia; Kingdom of Fennoskandia; Federation of Novosibirsk; Swedish Empire; and Kingdom of Baltic. Live long, allies!


The only enemy Lithuania has is Scandinavia.