Qing also know colloquially as "Republic of Korea" or "ROK" is a breakaway nation of Korea, centred around The Order in Northern Manchuria, who hopes to one day make negotiations with Japan Return to the Homeland.
Pre-founding, 11/1/2024 - 11/14/2024.
Following the beginning of the 3th Korean Japanese War, many Koreans start to express dissatisfaction with the ruling regime, believing the once famed King KenDibnah to have become incompetent. Come November, most ministers holding towns in mainland Korea begin migrating north to The Order Metropolitan Area and starting towns with the intention to leave the nation of Korea and create a new government. Discontent in Korea reaches an all time high as KenDibnah is banned for using Mini-map on the 3rd of November, 2024; a few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. On November 6th Qing was born