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About Seychelles

Created by Nagol09 on the 7/10/2023, on the same day joined the nation of Lamu. Discord Server at (Lamu Discord)

Seychelles is an island town in the indian ocean made for people who want to live in peace and dont want to deal with the problems in earthMC.

Plan for the future

My plan is to make anyone join my town and live in peace and do anything they want(with some rules of course). My town is to make connections to places outside of our nation and establish friendly relations with other nations and towns.

  • Gain Members and expand the town
  • Be peaceful to the countries around us
  • Build a stable shop for outside members
  • Build farms to sustaine the population

Builds and Farms

In the town of Seychelles there are going to be mulitple farms and Building to sustaine the population, along with the farm's that sustaine the population they will also be used as a useful tool for the shopping district of the Achipelligo. Due to the Limitations of the island sizes and worrying deleting of the town all farms will be built underground, Housing will be built above ground (Citizens can deciede to build underground if they like) and the town hall will be built both above and below ground.


Each player will get a plot/chunk to build a floting house.


The farms that are going to be built in Seychelles is:

  • PIG/Porkchop Farm
  • Blaze/EXP Farm
  • Slime Farm
  • Small Mob Farm
Town Hall

No current information yet

  • Connects to the sation that connects us to the rest of the nation
  • [redacted]


If your reading this hello. After Getting tried of EMC I (Nagol09) Deleted Seychelles as of 29/1/2024 and joined my friends in another town where I can hop on once an a while.