Aurora:United States

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United States
Flag of the Kingdom of America.png
National Information
Full Name
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Capital City Atlanta
Largest City Atlanta
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


Creation of the United States

Reformation of the United States Treaty

On the 22nd of February 2023 at 06:30PM GMT, RobotGamer__ created the (new) United States nation. This was following the signing of the Reformation of the United States Treaty, where King of the (former) United States nation, karatoss, agreed to rename his nation to Louisiana, allowing RobotGamer__ to create a new United States. The details of this treaty can be found below.

Reformation of the United States Treaty

Signed by karatoss and RobotGamer__ on the 22nd of February 2023:

  1. Upon the signing of this treaty, the nation which holds the name “United States” as of 16th February 2023 shall have its name restored to its original name “Louisiana”. The name “Louisiana” was the name which the nation was created with on 3rd May 2022.
  2. Upon the signing of this treaty, King karatoss and President betaking of what will be known once again as “Louisiana” agree for RobotGamer__ to create a new nation with the name “United States” with Atlanta as the capital.
  3. The former “United States” nation, which will now be known once again as “Louisiana”, will NOT transfer any of its diplomatic relations to the new United States. Instead, “Louisiana” retains all relations the former “United States” nation held.
    1. In essence, the new “United States” nation founded by RobotGamer__ will be a complete clean slate.
    2. This treaty is just to clarify that any wars, any alliances, any relations which the former “United States” nation (now “Louisiana”) had does not apply to the new “United States” nation.

Constitution of the United States


Constitution of the United States

Came into effect upon the nation's founding, on the 22nd of February 2023. Its contents are as follows:

  1. All legislative powers shall be vested in the Senate with the President having the power to veto all and any legislation passed by the Senate.
  2. The Senate shall be made up of all Mayors of all towns in the United States. The Senate has the power to propose and vote on decisions affecting the United States in the form of bills. For a bill to pass, it must receive a majority approval in the Senate. Once passed the bill will be sent to the President for ratification. Upon receiving the President’s approval, the bill shall be known as an act. It is the role of the President and his Executive to introduce all acts that have been ratified.
  3. The President should always be the Mayor of the largest town in terms of population in the United States, however:
    1. If the President wishes to stand down, he must let the Senate vote on his successor. It must be remembered that the Mayor of the largest town in the United States will always have the right to become President.
    2. If the Mayor of the largest town is not the President, then a vote in the Senate may be held on whether to keep the sitting President or replace him with the Mayor of the largest town.
    3. A simple majority (50%+1) vote is required to decide who should be the President in this scenario.
    4. Another scenario would be where a town surpasses the largest town in terms of population. The new largest town’s Mayor may call a vote in the Senate on whether or not to replace the sitting President.
  4. The Executive shall be made up of the President, Vice-President and their Cabinet. The President wields the power to create cabinet positions and department leaders to help execute the duties of the Executive.
  5. The President may dissolve the Senate during a national emergency. A national emergency may only be called by the Senate with a two-thirds (⅔) majority.
  6. The President may pass acts by Decree when the number of town Mayors is below 5.
  7. The Constitution may be amended with a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate. Approval from the President is not required for Constitutional amendments.  
  8. The President of the United States, upon its founding, shall be Mayor of Atlanta, RobotGamer__.


United States Military

The U.S. Military is led by the Commander-in-chief: the President of the United States. It is managed by the Secretary of Defence, appointed by the President.

The United States is a peaceful nation dedicated to spreading the following three principles: The Rule of Law, Freedom and Democracy.

The United States has never engaged in any wars as of the time of writing.


Capital City, Atlanta.

Photo taken by Mayor of Atlanta, RobotGamer__, on 23rd January 2023.

Capital City, Atlanta.
Atlanta as seen from dynmap

The Great Temple

Tallest building on Aurora. Exterior built in 4 days, 99% of exterior and interior built by RobotGamer__.

The Great Temple as seen from the observation tower
The Great Temple as seen from the ground
The Great Temple in the night

The Great Temple as seen from Detroit, Michigan

Atlanta City Centre

Photo taken by Mayor of Atlanta, RobotGamer__, on 23rd January 2023.

Atlanta City Centre

Atlanta High Court

Photo taken by Mayor of Atlanta, RobotGamer__, on 23rd January 2023.

Atlanta High Court

Throne of the President of the United States

Located in The Great Temple.

Throne of the President of the United States