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Republic of Yakutia
Coat of arms of Yakutia.png
National Information
Full Name Federal Republic of Yakutia
Towny Name
/n list
Formed September 8th 2024
National Anthem
Population 140
Chunks 1284
Towns 26
Capital City Jamesford
Largest City Jamesford
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Federal Constitutional Presidential Republic
President Fatcrus
Vice President Cheesytomatos
Secretary of State DMC111
Military General Captain_Elite
Head of the Federal Intelligence Agency Shyggi48803
Legislature Senate & House of Representatives
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

Yakutia, officially known as the Republic of Yakutia, is a nation located in real-life eastern Russia. Yakutia was founded on September 8th, 2024, and as of January 31st, 2025, has a town count of 26, with the total population spread out across them accounting for 140 residents. The vast land of Yakutia borders seas from North to South, but the nations it borders are Mar De Pengina, USSR, and the CCCP.

Yakutia is known as the Defender of Democracy in Eastern Russia / Siberia, and its main enemy is Imperialism as a whole. Yakutia is also known for its influence and peacefulness over the region, and along with Mar De Pengina helped take down Siberia, but Yakutia mainly annexed a majority of the territory. Yakutia has also had two presidents in its five months of existence.

Starting History

On September 8th, 2024, the nation known as Yakutia was created, and the capital Moresby, now known as Jamesford, was lonely until the second town, Saint Elizabeth (later known as New Onslow and Jason City), joined with the mayor SquishyTheFrog. Towns followed, and within three weeks of being established, Yakutia already had a population of 54 and was still growing rapidly, funding more infrastructure projects in major cities like Jamesford, Edensville, Hamington, and Ohana.

Current Wars and Conflicts

Yakutian - Siberian War

Before the war had begun, tensions were already set in place between Yakutia and the authoritarian regime of Siberia. The tensions rose further as Siberia's Supreme Leader, Zevity_is, blocked all diplomatic relations with Yakutia and kept provoking nations in the Eastern Russian region. Soon enough, the regional superpower of Yakutia declared war on Siberia and made plans to install democracy and freedom into its government structure alongside Sibir, which became a republic heavily influenced by its "big brother," Yakutia.

Yakutia soon gained most active Siberian towns, which scared the Siberian dictator Zevity into selling to a local resident, formerly Yakutian, Ghostofsk, who ended up signing peace with Yakutia and establishing an anarchy regime. Soon, he grew bored due to not being able to engage in war or conflict with Yakutia and quit, giving control to his heir, "kelp14," who then sold it to Yakutia, fearing the return of anarchy within Siberia.

Aftermath of the Siberian Magadan Purchase

President Cheesy gave the order to disband Siberia and absorb it into Yakutia territory altogether to bury its anarchy and imperialistic ideals, thus marking the end of all Yakutian-Siberian conflict. Magadan was renamed to "Hamington" and is attempting to erase its previous shameful past of being under Nazi and anarchy rule. Under Mysterybox05’s rule, Hamington, formerly known as Magadan, has never been better.

Future Plans

The future plans of Yakutia include spreading democracy across more of Eastern Russia and making friends or diplomatic relations with other republics, democracies, and democratic-leaning monarchies.

Yakutia and the F.R.O.P have established a war against imperialism and have promised to stop the growth of hostile mega nations in the East Russian region.

Culture of Yakutia


Yakutia mainly follows the Bruhism Church, which was established after the notable player __bruh69, a nomad roaming the server and having fun in his own way. It is believed that under bedrock, Bruhlandia exists, which is where all the good people go. :)