General Shmidt
Pre-Suomi Era
Joining the server
General Shmidt joined the server on the 29 of March, 2024, but remained inactive up until July, where he met msyyn, a mayor in the nation of Scandia. He joined msyyns town, and he planned to stay there until he invited his friend PastaDave to join the server. He had a vision for his own town, so he departed to meet with PastaDave, where they started their town in Australia, only to abandon it and found another one in Northern Europe. This town was named Nuorgam
Scandia Federation
In Nuorgam General Shmidt and PastaDave steadily built their town until Pasta started losing his interest in EMC, and became inactive. Seeing this, General Shmidt took all valuables and departed, starting up Solvestrand. He remained in that town up until November 1st, when msyyn offered to make him the leader of Suomi.
Suomi Era (Current)
From that time General Shmidt has been the leader of Suomi.