Golden State (Classic)

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Golden State

Golden State was a city located in South-East Egypt.

It was founded on June 25 by TheWalkingKing.



The Headquarters building was used as head office and item storage. There was 3 floors in it.

Basement: Storage

1st Floor: Lobby

2nd Floor: Meeting room

3rd Floor: Vault

Roof: Small wheat farm


The Mine of Golden State was the first chunk claimed in the city. The Mine was around 40 blocks deep, from sea level to 2 blocks above Bedrock.

City Spawn

The City spawn was a 16x16x6 building made out of Stonebricks and Quartz. The building was one of the later buildings in the city before it fell. People spawned inside the building when they joined the town.


The Lighthouse was built by RenWildIsami right before GoldenState fell. There was a board inside the building where you could read about the history of Egypt. The lighthouse itself was mostly used as elytra launcher.


  • Birth of Walking King
  • Walking King changed name to Golden State
  • Golden State raided by Cairo
  • Mass griefing of Cairo
  • Golden State creates Egypt together with Giza
  • Golden State mining age begins
  • Colonization of Bahamas and Indonesia
  • RenWildIsami joins GoldenState, cowfarm is outposted
  • Golden State is one of the major world towns
  • Golden State becomes temporary capital of Egypt
  • Fall of Golden State, birth of New Cairo