Great Bear

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Members Position
gammyammy Mayor
dankimusmaximus Councillor
Roshandila Trusted
Susqct Resident


Great_Bear was founded January 2, 2020. It started when gammyammy and dankimusmaximus had just finished exploring the Pacific Ocean and they wanted to head up North to settle. They then found the Great Bear Lakes and when they were journeying across the lakes they came across JBGoose who brought them to their new home and introduced them kindly into the nation of Slave. Great Bear is on the East coast of the Great Bear Lakes which is very nicely placed North a little bit of the Capital of Slave. Great Bear is always growing and thriving and we welcome people to our community but only if you are willing to help make our town nourish and our Nation thrive!


Great Bear is under the rule of the nation Slave, and Slave is apart of the CU which is a large ally force in Canada. Great Bear is gladly allied with them and will not start wars but only be involved. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us! One of the main wars that the CU has fought in was the Cold War, and it was between the CU and the Nation of Cascadia.