Player Description
JakubdotPLGB is the mayor of the town of Zakopane. His nickname, Homely_Midwife, is a reference to an episode of "All The Mods" by the Yogscast. JakubdotPLGB first joined the server on the 7th of October, 2018 and has played regularly since then. In real life, he is of Polish origin and resides in Great Britain. He named his town (Zakopane) after his town of birth.
Early History
JakubdotPLGB asked someone to teleport him near Graham and they did. JakubdotPLGB headed South until he reached the Prague border. He found a white Eagle on a hill and killed it. Jakub found some gold and decided to create his town North of Prague.
The First Resident
Jakub noticed that a new player joined; he greeted them nicely. The player told him that they wanted to create their own town. Jakub suggested that they could join his town instead since it is easier and cheaper. SalmonInsided joined the town and was shown their new settlement.
The Worldwide Union
After some time, player bunny119 invited Zakopane to the Worldwide Union. The mayor accepted the invitation and Zakopane became part of the nation.
JakubdotPLGB was talking to his friend "Mono" on Discord. He told them about the server and they joined. Mono's account, Caillouminati, was invited to the town and was given an estate. Caillouminati invited their friend, flusak1235, and they were given a home too.
- Zakopane
Friends/Town Members
- SalmonInsided
- Caillouminati
- flusak1235
- RustyRAW