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In office
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In office
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In office
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Profile Information
Nation Papua New Guinea
Town City In The Sky
Towny Rank Mayor (Trusted in New Ireland)
Political Party
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn October 26 2024
Place of Spawn Near Omsk in Russia
Physical Information
Gender Male
Blood Type
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History

kh1zarxD is a player of Terra Aurora, former councillor of the town of New Ireland, and current mayor of City In The Sky. He logged onto the server for the first time on the 26th of October 2024, he spawned near Omsk in Russia.

Before joining a town

After spawning near Omsk in the wilderness, his first hope was to create a town in a desired location, so he kept heading south in hopes of reaching India. He could barely find anything to eat in the towns he visited, but he kept on going, determined to start a town in a place with allies, and a source of wood so he could build tools. But for now, he was stuck in a desert.

Three days later, on the 29th, he reached the town of Farah in present-day Afghanistan (now fallen). After he explored the town and left, he was unfortunately shot by a skeleton and died there. He respawned at the coordinates (0, 0), where the town Sanctuary was located. Fortunately, the then mayor of Papua New Guinea town (today called New Ireland), EnderDucky17, found him and requested for him to join his town, which he did, acquiring the very first resident of New Ireland.

New Ireland

After kh1zarxD joined New Ireland, he was given materials and built a fort/castle tower which still stands today. His most famous achievements are obtaining roughly a double chest's worth of iron (most of which can be found in the beacon, almost all from just mining!), creating the Papua New Guinea and New Ireland banners for the town, and creating the town's and nation's wiki pages (as well as his own wiki page later on, and City In The Sky), which ultimately lead to earning the rank of Councilor on the 18th of December 2024 (17th December for America). Other things he did involve creating the town's history book, create big farms to fund his shops (location isn't revealed for security purposes), and a simple archery minigame on the rooftop of his castle tower.

City In The Sky

After the current nation shop for Papua New Guinea (the nation) was built, kh1zarxD thought of selling map arts to improve the reputation of the town and sell map arts that wouldn't have been available elsewhere, so EnderDucky17 requested he check out the ruins of City In The Sky. kh1zarxD got killed there, prompting kh1zarxD to make a map art town for New Ireland's shops, in which he founded it on the 9th of January 2025 (8th January for America). He is still trusted in his original town of New Ireland and owns plots and shops there.