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Flag of Leopoldstadt & Leopoldish People's Flag

As Ethnicity

Leopoldish are newer group of people that heavily influenced by Turkish Migrants, English Language & Polish Towns. They Mostly live in Leopoldstadt.

As Language

Leopoldish is a Germanic language & branch of Austrian German. Mostly spoken by Leopoldish people live in Leopoldstadt. Has same alphabet as German alphabet but most of words changed because of Influence by Turks & Polish people. Has many words from Turkish & Polish but mostly German words spoken.


Early Leopoldish

Early Leopoldish is mostly German but it has few words that slightly changed due to influence by Turkish migrants, Polish towns & English Language. Started in 20 August 2020(≈) in Leopoldstadt.

For example:

(Austrian German) = ([Early]Leopoldish German) [English]

(Österreichisches Deutsch) = (Leopoldisch Deutsch) [Englisch]

Ja / Nein = Ja / Nein (or) Es / Nah [Yes / No]

Guten tag = Quten tag [Good Day, Hello]

Guten Morgen = Quten Mergon (or) quten reinek [Good Morning]

Guten Abend = Quten Ebensh (or) quten ebenish [Good Evening]

Guten Nacht = Quten Neich (or) quten geiche [Good Night]

Willkommen = Wellkummen (or) Willtumy [Welcome]

Hallo = Hallu (or) Hellu [Hello]



Current Leopoldish is accepted as Minority language in Leopoldstadt & started in 5 August 2020. Mostly same as the Early Leopoldish. Their English Accent changed by a lot. For example:

(English) = (Leopoldish Accent)

French Fries (or) Chips = Deep Fried Potato

Austrian-Leopoldish = Austro-Leopoldish

Australia = Austrabia

My = Me

Boy = Boi

Mate = Mait

American = Merican

German = Germen

Dutch = Weastern Germen


Also some German words changed too. For example:

(Austrian German, Leopoldish German) [English]

(Österreichisches Deutsch) = (Leopoldisch Deutsch) [Englisch]

Vater = Water (or) Dad (or) Baba [Father or Dad]

Vaterland = Waterland (or) Mutterland (or) Matterland [Fatherland or Motherland]

Mutter = Matter (or) Mutter (or) Ana (or) Mom [Mother or Mom or Mum]

Bruder = Bruther (or) Bruder (or) Brother [Brother or Bro]

Schwester = Sweister (or) Schwester (or) Sistar [Sister]

Sohn = Soin (or) Sohn (or) Son [Son]

Tochter = Toicher (or) Tocher, Dauither) [Dauther]

Freund = Frieund (or) Friend (or) Aikaidaz [Friend]

Feind = Faind (or) Feind (or) Wroig (or) Eineimi (or) Doushman) [Enemy]

Ficken = Fiqen
