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PRE-SUDAN HISTORY The history of events that lead to the formation of Sudan March 21st 2020 - kobikraft joins earthmc April 10th 2020 - kobikraft joins a town in ancient egypt (now claimed by massawa, nubia) May 1st-may 2nd 2020 - town kobikraft joined is under attack by anti ancient egypt players, with ancient egypt being accused of being scam nation, well known nubian named 57gorky messages kobikraft asking if he wants to make his own town during this time, kobikraft said yes but didnt have enough gold May 4th 2020 - 57gorky leaves nubia and forms ethiopia due to issues within nubia caused by yemen colonising it May 6th 2020 - 57gorky funds kobikraft 20g to form kraftier Meanwhile Thesupergamer205 becomes deputy emperor basically of this ethiopia which is the origins of his hunger for power later on May 7th 2020 - kraftier recruits its 1st resident Mid may 2020 - kraftier encounters its first issues with nubia and recieves first outside hate with a small battle with nubians nopnop100 and noahser and arguements in chat with emperor6k of ohio May 17th 2020 - first long time resident, galaxygaming2000 (noahjc20082 at the time) joins kraftier May 21st 2020 - kraftier joins nubia May 25th 2020 - kraftier residents begin attacking yemen and being annoying to people who annoyed us May 31st 2020 - kraftier is under attack by user emperor6k and his “mafia” which tried to claim kraftier as there own because i didnt like them June 1st 2020 - these attacks continue, kraftier finds new allies within brief enemy yemen Rest of early june 2020 - continued attacks, start of mass recruiting, and second long time resident joins ( @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 ) Early june 2020 - thesupergamer205 has protests against him started by players 57billy, nopnop100, starkiller, 57gorky and more protesting he leaves dharug and gives it to nicky_who, the co-mayor of dharug Mid june 2020 - kraftier and dharug becomes allies due to common disagreements within nubia and us both having attacks (even though kobikraft took part in the protests against dharug) Late june 2020 - kraftier becomes 4th largest town in nubia, however is very poor and is not recieving enough funds to keep up growth, which grows discontent between kraftier and nubia, thesupergamer205 becomes unpopular threatening to leave if not given government positions, south mersa, west mersa and kraftier become very competitive and start silly wars over little arguements and resident stealing from eachother, with south mersa joining and leaving ethiopia from time to time bringing ethiopians to attack kraftier and its ally navyaxd, battles with emperor6k and Ohio continue through this time, kraftier constructs extended ice roads in the nubian ice road network to newly formed gizmo and baghermi (near modern day strummi, which links with an intersection in modern day reimia) July 2020 - kobikraft becomes a member of nubian government, has disagreements with the ministry of defence (starkiller) for failing to defend nubian cities, an impeachment is attempted on kobikraft for this, which ended up failing but ruined his reputation within nubia and internal conflicts began to become more clear with large battles occuring including a massive one mid month involving 20 people from many different nations, kraftier keeps growing despite the struggles with help from funds from allies and plans to make a nation begin east kraftier is made recruiting is competitive. Early august 2020 - kraftier and nubia attempt to fix internal issues between eachother, which lasts a few days before everything goes badly and nubia attempts to infiltrate kraftier causing it to restart saving up for a nation, dharug leaves nubia due to losing position in government and for being generally disliked, nubian king admits he doesnt like kobikraft making kobikraft decide he will leave nubia permanently before he even gets his nation because not even the leadership likes him anymore, tafffy joins kraftier to “help”, kraftier and dharug join ethiopia (bit weird as we were enemies) and kraftier begins losing residents till our new “helper” helps recruit to gain the trust of kobikraft and kraftier co-mayor. August 13th 2020 - kobikraft, thesupergamer205 @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 and many more citizens are banned from nubian discord and nubians are banned from kraftier discord, kraftier and dharug leave nubia for the final time, and we join ethiopia August 14th 2020 - first battles occur between nubia and kraftier- kraftier loses though there are nubian deaths August 15th 2020 - operation despot takes place, kobikraft, thesupergamer205, nexus_hype and yoshigamer attempts to form a nation, but nubia gets the latter 2 to take all the gold resulting in us being scammed and losing 800g August 16th 2020 - gizmo claimblocks kraftier using stolen gold and the first battle of gizmo happens, nubian victory August 17th 2020 kraftier is insided by tafffy, who got councillor by co-mayor without kobikrafts permission, resulting in 75 residents being kicked, entire town looted and destroyed, kraftier is kicked from ethiopia. August 18th first new residents join August 21st grief is rollbacked and first battles after the insiding occur August 25th kraftier and dharug begin saving up again as ethiopia kicks us again Early september we enter talks with kosovo to buy them for 300g, causing our alliance with navyaxd to end and us losing our most important ally September 7th kosovo is brought for 300g, the capital becomes dharug, september 8th we get 4.1ed, september 9th we rename to sudan.

PRE WAR SUDAN, 2020 September 10th - Sudan chooses its flag (middle flag of image attached) with the meanings, white for peace, yellow for the deserts, green for the swamps and plains of sudan, light blue for the nile, red for war and grey for an army attacking the war september 11th - 14th - not much happens within sudan, we grow to 3 towns, start setting up laws and planning shops and n spawn September 15th - tafffy attempts to rejoin kraftier- he is denied and the infamous screenshot of kobikraft saying “stupid ugly trash” for the first time is taken, tafffy after being denied formed north_kraftier, south kraftier and a smaller 3 chunk town called fuckkobi (very rude) The towns join nubia and nubia is given an ultimatum to kick them before we declare war September 16th after they failed to agree to the ultimatum we declared war on nubia for claimblocking sudan, the claimblock towns are given to random players

September 17th to October 31st history September 17th - after a 1v1 with south_kraftier mayor, south kraftier was disbanded, the first victory of the nubian - sudan war September 18th - nova scotia king dies at sudan Spawn September 27th kraftier becomes metropolis for the first time after tafffy incidents early october - east kraftier falls, gizmo leaves nubia, dharug claims land for n spawn, small battles occurr but sudan and turkana and nyala have a non aggression pact in place october 10th - n spawn is made october 11th a massive battle happens at n spawn, kobikraft attempts to spawn trap them but accidentally spawn traps the king thesupergamer205 Kobikraft, brobbo41 and thesupergamer205 are warned after this, no deaths occurred but battle overall was a loss due to the warns October 13th - the sudan army is formed by kobikraft October 14th - Miro, close ally of sudan exits the war after suffering a few deaths and getting warned, they say they will remain allies, but secretly started contacting nubians at this time, eventually becoming high ranking within nubia October 15th - Miro and nubia form a deal secretly without informing sudan where it was announced they had a non agression pact for 8 weeks starting that day and have no formal alliance with sudan october 25th - kobikraft begins owning a party for the first time after navyaxd went inactive October 30th - 31st - twomoo1119 requests 90g from super or else he would claimblock sudan spawn, super denied this resulting in the spawn being claimblocked the next day

November 1st to December 31st history November 1st - sudan has its first election kraftier begins building inn november 16th fourth batle of kraftier occurs, it involved 2 kraftier residents and 3 nubians and 1 neutral, nubia claimed victory after killing the neutral, sudan claimed victory due to killing a nubian, the arguement between claiming the win caused kobikraft to be banned from editing the wiki Late november, small battles occurr, sudan opens shops to more people, kraftier wild is griefed December 5th - Miash joins december 6th - sudan n spawn is decorated for christmas December 10th @GalaxyGaming | Kraftier old account is inactivity kicked from kraftier december 12th nubian glennjerman announces some nubians have been planning something for everyone, turns out to be them trying to repeat what we did in august but they end up being scammed just like us december 14th, nubian glennjerman and his town kigali get insided by tafffy and griefed and looted, they lost hundreds of gold as well Miro after 8 weeks of having a secret deal with nubia make a big announcement “After a long decision, I have decided to officially part from ALL kraftier and Sudan activities. This means Miro will now be on the Nubian side rather than no-ones side.” Sudan declares war on miro december 18th kraftier becomes a metropolis again december 21st sudan has its first christmas party Late december, kigali joins sudan sudan has another christmas part and reveals its new n spawn design ministry of internal affairs and expansion is created for the january 2021 election December 26th - a massive battle happens in kraftier, forts are made by nubia, twomoo dies during this battle, sudan suffers high deaths toll in this battle and declares a loss in battle December 27th sudan begins constructing its national ice road

Sudan history, january 1st to january 5th 2021 january 1st 2021 - kraftier holds a new years party, server is kind of down as well January 2nd 2021 - kraftier attacks turkana in one of the few battles early on in the battle started by sudan and not nubia Banned player daenef tries to make some mushroom thing outside kraftier january 3rd 2021 - a massive battle in the sudan - nubia war occurred on this day which sudan was at some points outnumbers 8 to 1 with 7 nubian deaths and 16 sudan deaths from this battle (many deaths were in iron or unenchanted gear as 2 new people kept dying over and over) (was a 10v5 at its worst) In this battle alot of trapping occurred and kobikraft fell in a nubian trap hole to bedrock, however managed to survive (still dont know how i did to this day) Kindu is formed Kobikraft uses crossbow in battle which results in him being warned 3 weeks later January 4th 2021 - minor battles occurr largely in kindu, and dharug though with little deaths January 5th 2021 - another busy day Starting with a small skirmish in dharug which resulted in small fights but no deaths but the nubians managed to claim an embassy plot for 5g and built a large glass box before sudan noticed which was then evicted and destroyed resulting in the loss of 5g from nubia Battle of Kindu also occurred on this day being sudans most decisive loss in the war with the town of kindu and its residents with some help from nearby kindu being attacked 10 nubians, with only 1 of them dying and the few sudan citizens around at the time being overwhelmed and attacking with little stratergy and sense just walking out of there claims blindly, they lost in total 25 deaths from this battle. The town of kindu then left sudan, this was due to reinforcements from the rest of sudan failing to reach kindu to defend it giving them doubts if sudan could protect them Months later kindu would have issues with nubia and leave.

January 5th to January 17th 2021 January 5th - again this was a bad day for sudan but we did have 1 victory after 3 battles, this time maluku citizens attacked sudan, with kobikraft with help from residents chrisTT27 and Jwith_22 helping, we managed to get foriegn help this battle from a turkish pvper, overall we managed to get quite a few kills, but nubia kept silent on this battle and ignoring its existence and said it was the result of the world hating us, which it wasnt, it was from nubia influencing there allies to hate us but the day finally ended in a victory that the attacker admitted January 6th another skirmish happened in kraftier on this day involving @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 and kobikraft attacking erick2317 and yoshigamer near gizmo, little resulted from this battle and ended in a draw but gizmo did destroy the nile river on the border Sudan ice road coords are discovered by nubia Sudan government makes a motion to discuss peace with nubia January 7th - the battle of kigali and dharug occurred on this day with 4 sudanese citizens and 11 nubian citizens involved, sudan sufferred 3 deaths, nubia suffered none and the battle resulted in sudan loss Peace talks began but kobikraft and thesupergamer205 refused the deals made by nubia (give kraftier and dharug to nubia or to give 1000g to nubia) Mods say claimblock town will be disbanded in 3 days January 8th - skirmish of sudan, 3 simutaenous skirmishes started in sudan, at all 3 towns, there was little fighting and no deaths in these battles but it was another draw with no proper fighting january 9th - 16th little fighting occurred, kigali left us due to pressure from its citizens for peace, 2 small skirmishes occurred but there were no deaths, some nubians were warned for grief and the claimblock town was disbanded January 17th - sudan government basically collapsed and becomes just kobikraft and thesupergamer205 after glennjerman leaves sudan and @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 loses account

January 18th to June 30th 2021 January 24th - kobikraft gets warned for crossbow pvp from january 3rd late january - sudan has election, barely anyone is running, kraftier reaches 200 chunks, sudan expanded into the red sea, rwanda (the nation former sudanese town kigali) creates an african union to counter nubian influence, however became a failed project Kobikraft is scammed funding a town a nubian died in a small skirmish in kraftier from our bamboo farm Early february - emc is updated to 1.16 February - small battles happen, a nubian somehow found kraftier discord invite and sudan goes a bit inactive march - battles happen occasionally, sudan continues to go inactive, arguements between kobikraft and super result in sudan discord being temporarily locked Galaxy briefly returns for a few days on emc but dissappeared after a few days only to return again in august Kobikraft goes inactive and sudan drops down to less then 10 citizens going into april and elections are canceled April - nothing important happened as sudan was inactive with 3 active citizens playing May 4th - israel declares war on nubia over control of lower arabia, nubia makes towns near kraftier May 6th - kraftier is 1 year old, but we did nothing May 7th - sudan joins israel as a colony and joined the internation defence coalition, more towns were made near kraftier wilderness May 8th @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 suggests for the first time we get rid of super mid-late may - earthmc was down for a very long time causing sudan party chat to be disbanded and sudan to drop to just 7 citizens Early june - former military citizen jwith_22 rejoins sudan after he left because he thought i would be mad he died in lava Mid june - sudan n spawn nears completion gizmo begins expanding again under new ownership of pirate_ron Late june - kraftier begins recruiting again after dropping to 4 res and further conflicts happen internally within sudan and small conflict with gizmo occurrs

July 1st to August 25th 2021 July 4th - kraftier begins rapid recruitment, sudan n spawn is opened (IMAGE ATTATCHED) July 5th the many months long battle of gizmo begins and a wall begins being built to seperate kraftier and gizmo July 8th - gizmo res claims they will take over kraftier July 14th - kraftier stage enters construction July 16th - sudan sends a spy into nubia july 22nd - sudan and israel attack nubia in gizmo, deaths of this battle are lost to history July 24th - sudan runs out of gold late july 1ulllitopia is made, sudan grows 34 citizens during the map (mainly kraftier) after being just 4 the month before August 3rd - idea of peace talks with nubia exists again but in the end was denied, battle of 1ullitopia occurrs after they joined nubia, sudan won killing there people and getting them to rejoin August 5th - brobbo41 of miro quits emc August 6th - second battle of 1ullitopia occurrs, 1 person is killed and the town rejoins sudan again August 7th - sudan begins a question of the day thing in its old discord and galaxy returns to earthmc again August 8th - third battle of 1ullitopia occurrs, mayor is killed, and kobikraft earns 37g august 10th - gizmo and kraftier have small battles, gizmo mayor is killed in a lava bucket on kraftier territory August 11th - 3 battles occurr August 14th - kraftier military person jwith_22 is killed in a battle near dharug August 16th - another battle in 1ullitopia with a resident dying and sudan getting 6g richer from the battle August 18th - tanzania and nubia enter war with eachother with a battle in ethiopia won by tanzania August 25th - a very massive battle occurrs in gizmo with about 15 people involved, 7 from sudan and allies and 8 from nubia and allies, the battle was a sudan victory (image attatched of map and our side after battle) Sudan joins tanzanian empire Sudan leaves israel as a colony


August 26th to September 30th 2021 August 28th - sudan win a battle against starkiller as he ran from battle to kobikraft and thesupergamer205 We become a vassal of israel and a full member of the tanzania empire august 30th - sudan and ethiopia end war with eachother September 1st - north gizmo fell September 2nd - katanga has internal issues due to war with sudan and tanzania September 3rd - small skirmish happens in northern kraftier, with kobikraft accidentally dropping his god bow

Early september - multiple battles in gizmo, gizmo mayor also leaves gizmo following these, traps me in a hole but let me out but then he brought india nad gizmo was left to die, the remaining gizmo proxy dies  into a ruin with it being raided by kobikraft with a stack of gold found

September 10th a nubian spy is found in kraftier september 12th the battle of east gizmo, king of sudan thesupergamer205 died, and second best pvper of nubia cheatokiller died too, and east gizmo was then claimed, a full explanation of this will be made one day September 13th east gizmo fully claimed September 15th nubia tells sudan it can not win war after the battle of east gizmo September 18th tanzania kicks indonesia from tanzanian empire, sudan was allied with indonesia which ended on this day September 19th @DepressedPotato joins emc September 20th - sudan best nation god bow is returned to kobikraft after an israeli citizen discussed a trade to return it to me Japanese invasion begins September 25th - kobikraft becomes king of Sudan September 26th - kraftier reaches 92 residents Other stuff in september, lirsko becomes town staff within kraftier before making khartoum, jwith_22 mysteriously quits, internal issues within sudan continue with disagreements with super on how to run the nation, and an election happens

September 30th to October 22nd 2021 October 1st - queue priority is removed October 2nd - er_roseires (now khartoum) joins sudan October 3rd - chat kind of breaks (image attatched) a town near kraftier makes a nation called south sudan Gunmasamurais citizens join kraftier kraftier becomes 10th biggest town on server october 6th - super gets angry that kraftier lost some residents to inactivity, this resumes internal problems October 8th - sudan has 10 + citizens on in a single day for the first time in a very long time kraftier reaches top of /t list by online with 10+ residents online at one point october 10th - kraftier becomes 9th largest town October 13th - gunmasamurais is created, japanese nation outlaws many kraftier residents (image attatched) and threatens war against sudan october 14th - zigoutoubo joins sudan after kobikraft attempted an attack on them

October 15th, sudan and great southern have peace after short conflict 

october 17th - @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 and thesupergamer205 have big arguement after @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 said who won the minecon 2021 mob vote, thesupergamer205 threatened to ban him from sudan discord for spoiling it until kobikraft intervened, then super tries to find every little tiny thing of rules that were broken to get rid of him for being a threat to his power in sudan, and stating that he is promoting illegal things We almost kick super from sudan but held off as we didnt want to cause instability between kraftier, er_roseires and gunmasamurais citizens small incident happened between sudan and tanzania on this day as gunmasamurais citizen was killed by sauq, king of tanzania october 20th - sudan passes nubia in activeness october 21st - massawa renames to japan and gains 60 residents very quickly with nubia becoming more active then sudan october 22nd - sudan is asked by a federation if we want to join, however before we gave an answer one member vetoed no on us joining

October 22nd 2021 to November 2nd 2021 october 23rd - Kobikraft and @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 threaten to kick thesupergamer205, super tells us we cant kick and that he would only change if the MoIAaE wanted it to change, so we try convince the MoIAaE to dislike him october 25th - sudans most controversial election begins, djibouti joins sudan and immediately runs as a candidate in election and kraftier reaches 300 chunks october 28th - a resident was found to be duping diamonds and was kicked october 29th - kobikraft rebuys premium katanga left the nubian empire starkiller1744 declared nubia supports some random federation in a war against our allies october 30th - someone tries to get sudan allies, instead gets sudan enemies october 31st - election voting begins november 1st - election is finished with lirsko as MoIAaE, someone as MoD, cant remember, and deputy mayor of djibouti winning MoFA, @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 failed to win MoIAaE and accused the election (along with kobikraft) of being rigged, this was due to the fact the MoFA winner hadnt even been in sudan for a week, and the fact they were begging for gold to make a nation during there campaign, kobikraft accused the rest of sudan of lacking in brain when it came to voting, djibouti then leaves sudan leaving an outsider as our MoFA november 2nd - big day, thesupergamer205 gets mad at kobikraft for posting a graph (stupid), kobikraft threatens to kick super, super threatens kobikraft back, kobikraft demands reelection following an outsider getting MoFA, gets told no kobikraft finds that sudan would be more disliked with him as king kobikraft kills sheep at dharug, steals items, and moves his shops to kraftier and takes his loot back to kraftier. kobikraft waits for @настякрашихаищюпарняза40, however before that happen, super logs on, takes 700g from sudans bank, removes kobikrafts perms in dharug and bans kobikraft and @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 from sudan discord for treason, kobikraft kicks dharug


November 4th to November 16th 2021 november 4th - sudan tries to infiltrate nubian elections november 5th - kraftier resident (at the time) @habuchaaaaaaaaan(Baw) | KYZ got stuck in nubian land and trapped sudan begins designing new n spawn (but never actually built one so it was a waste of time) november 6th - emc updates to 1.17, gunmasamurais release videos of them pvping people while in sudan and it was discovered super had been getting my citizens to try to not contact me or else they too would be comitting treason (said citizen who informed me of this later was found to be a spy) november 7th - sudan steals a nubian town november 9th - galaxygaming2000 was inactivity kicked for a third time november 10th - gunmasamurais announce they are quitting another nubian town was stolen and joined sudan november 11th - sudan allied brazil (finally) november 13th - gunmasamurais forms EOTW, hosts a pvp event, gunmasamurais wins there own pvp event and give the 3.5k winning prize to kobikraft november 14th - gunmasamurais is accused of being hackers by israel because israeli pvper couldnt beat them november 15th a nation is made to claimblock khartoum (at the time er_roseires) in an attempt to sort out isues with super, israel asks super if he can discuss the issue to potentially rejoin, but he says no and the issue ends there with us forever remaining seperate tanzania and israel begins to have issues, which affects sudan as we were tanzanian colony and like an autonomous state of israel at the time sudan donates gold to er_roseires (khartoum) due to there claimblocks november 16th - kobikraft kills a nubian nubia tries to grief kraftier with... spruce trees?

Kob with lots of gold.png

November 16th to December 10th 2021 November 17th - kobikraft gets more gifts from gunmasamurais, such as a set and some beacons November 18th - nubia agains griefs kraftier with spruce trees, so i start building with them November 19th - tensions run high between kush and sudan after they continue claimblocking khartoum November 20th - Ethiopia gives dharug and TheSuperGamer205 support against sudan November 21st - kobikraft gets into arguements (as usual) in global with nubians, and is accused of being racist because he called nubians rude @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 was banned for alting November 23rd - Kobikraft was given the bible by a player and burnt it in front of them November 24th - Kobikraft is told by Kush, that sudan doesnt own khartoum, and that sudan is aggressively claimblocking them conflict with kush is mostly solved November 25th - big day Gizmo falls kraftier spends over 1k gold claiming its central area and ruins (first image attached) houses are looted, small battles occur in the ruins, 1 sudanese ally died... to another sudanese ally, bruh sudan reaches 180 allies King Kobikraft of Sudan declares the nubian war won (second image attatched) nubia disputes this, claiming it never ended, and instead that a ceasefire began while nubia was inactive november 27th - sudan and cameroon have peace (why were we ever enemied, idk) december 2nd - not much news, nubia tries to talk to mayors in sudan about joining nubia .. december 6th - ban appeal with @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 was ongoing, unsuccessfully nubia again tries to talk towns out .. december 7th - twomoo asks kobikraft to talk peace, magg27 (now 12barbruise, and banned) becomes one of the first players to get a plot in sudan after the events of november 2nd sudan gets a slight new colour on map (third image attatched) December 9th - mob spawns were enabled on earthmc after a few years of being off december 10th - its my birthday, khartoum joins azande, dharug joins azande 😦


December 11th to December 31st 2021 December 11th - appeal for @настякрашихаищюпарняза40 ban continues, still unsuccessfully December 12th - plan for sudanese democracy to restart is made December 13th - Kobikraft and the cow talk, the cow asks to be friends, kobikraft tells him hed rather be neutral, twomoo is not happy, but removes us as enemies anyway december 14th-15th - nubia, cote divoire and zanzibar begin spamming sudan with ally requests, despite me telling them all i am neutral december 16th - we get villagers in kraftier, they do nothing december 19th - sudan reaches 200 allies plans for riverside towers are made december 25th - beja joins sudan, twomoo begins complaining we took his land, and decides to use his christmas, attacking it december 26th - south sudan (not the current one) is for sale, sudan considers buying it, but decides against it Sudans first elections under new leadership begin, this includes a referendum december 27th - another nubian colony king, steals residents, questions sudan mayors if they know why, and makes up a response, (they stole them) december 29th - nubia attempts, yet again, to steal towns from sudan kraftier loses metropolis status, the end of the world is coming starkiller buys south sudan december 30th - sudans national library nears completion december 31st - voting for election and referendum begins its the last day of the year and a firework show happens in kraftier the moment it turned midnight, building continues on kraftier skyscrapers (image attatched)

Screen Shot 2021-12-31 at 12.png

NOTE: All 2022 and 2023 to be done soon. As well, credits to kobiKraft for writing all this (Also, this was written on discord and copied over to here. so if things seem a little off, its just that)