MiGeneralAugusto, also known as roddsteel18 is a player registered on the 26th of January 2020, who actively participates in the EMC community. He ran a mock communist nation named Bangladesh, with the capital being the city of Chittagong/Chattogram. When he decided to "leave" the server, he gave away the nation of Bangladesh, City of 81 plots, Chittagong and over 800 gold. He came back later, leading to him establishing a, yes, again mock Fascist New Zealand town named Fiordland in November 2020. It was a small town with big plans that never fulfilled. He gave it away in March 2021 to the next people to speak in chat. (It fell 42 days later)
He then returned when and old ally and friend involved in his towns and nation from Jan - June 2020 came back to the server in late 2021, December or so. His first town he ever joined, Dhaka was being built up from the ground once again. He participated in the re-establishment of Dhaka and now owns it after a2ab (the ally) got himself temp banned.
Chittagong has now been restored to it's original grass fields. Dhaka is growing steadily with it's 14 plots and 4 beacons.
Scammed too many times, gave away to much gold, roddsteel18 persisted.