Russian Federation (Classic)

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Very First President of the Federation, appointed Autocratic Councilmen and established the first set of national laws.

Regent Nikolai_II

Took control of the Empire after the end of his presidency, Brought Tsaristrussia and the empireofrussia together to discuss the new Tsar.

Russian Federation History

Russian Empire


Being Discussed.


Being Discussed.


Farewell of Slavianka


Eastern Orthodoxy








Prime Minister

Council Members

Discussion of Russian Unification

On July 24th, 2018, MLGTerra met with all Major Russian Faction Leaders to discuss the end of the civil war. The Meeting went smoothly at the beginning, with all leaders agreeing to peace, however when it came to the unification things heated up, Nikolai_II and Lucled, two Pro-Autocratic Leaders, opposed the idea of a Russian Federation, while TheUnshamelessand MLGTerra supported the Federation. As time went on though, Nikolai_II put away his selfish desires and agreed to the Federation, effectively uniting the Blue Russians, Russia, The Russian Empire, and The Tsarists of Russia. Lucled, paranoid that Terra was trying to make Russia its puppet, left the Federation. Nikolai_II brought Lucled back for a while but that all changed when Moscow was made the Capital of The Federation. Nikolai_II stated "Until Petrograd and St. Petersburg can settle its problems with each other, neither city would become the capital. This angered Lucled, resulting in him offically leaving.

Nikolai_II's First Term

Nikolai_II marked the beginning of the Federation, and established laws that put Russia on a Democratic Path. Nikolai_II and the Council agreed on bringing back the old Empire.

United Nations Referendum

2:12 PM, July 25th 2018. Terra offers Russia a choice to join the UN or not. After 48 Minutes of waiting, the Referendum ended and Russia had decided not to join the United Nations.

End of The Federation

Following Terra's rant on why Russia needs to be in the UN, all Councilmen agreed on the restoration of the Empire.