Saint-Jérôme is a town created by Showizz. The city of Saint-Jérôme was created on October 2, 2019 by Showizz and GetSmited1.
Showizz and Getsmited decided to make a city for their friends at the very beginning. He never thought he'd get as big as they are now. He decided to give the leads to Showizz. GetSmited1 decided to retire and let Showizz lead the city in the right direction.
War of Hawaii
One evening, Warh1 was insulted by a Hawaiian resident. GonicGaming didn't like it, so Gonic decided to go ask the Hawaiian resident for an apology following the resident's refusal, she decided to insult Quebecers and members of Saint-Jérome. Later Gonic decided to declare a war in Hawaii, which had no more to the mayor of Hawaii. New York's senior leaders did not like this war between Saint-Jérôme and their allies on the Pacific coast. Saint-Jérôme had to put an end to this war, which caused a great carnage among Hawaiian members. After that war, the mayor of Hawaii sold Hawaii to another person.
Saint-Jérôme has a lot of important construction in the city. These structures are often used by residents and visitors.These buildings are the most visited by residents and newcomers.
Town Hall
The Mine
The dungeon blaze
The mill
Notable People
- The Mayor Showizz
- Councillor Warh1
- Councillor GonicGaming
- Councillor/Builder Kiiyo
- Councillor/Builder LeGrandjeef
- New Mayor/Leader MrStealYoBeans
The beginning of a new area
October 16, 2019
The City during the War of Hawaii
November 1, 2019
The City 1 Month after the War of Hawaii
December 13, 2019
The City Presently
December 22, 2019
Map Legend:
Blue: Avenue des Anciens Rivages, Green: Avenue Des Emeraudes Bleus, Red: Avenue Des Archers, Orange: Avenue Des Grandes Places, Yellow: Avenue L.12.12 ,Pink: Avenue De Vinci, Brown: Avenue Des Trois-Bois, Black: Avenue D'Amandor