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Sirromz is a member of the community from EarthMC. Originally a resident of Wales and now a Mayor of Kristiansand. Being the first British resident to take up the position of Mayor in previously Norwegian territory.

Sirromz was the first British Mayor to significantly expand British territory into Scandinavia later followed by other British residents such as Dizzy Desert.


Fourth Quarter 2019

Sirromz first spawned in the middle east during october 2019. He travelled by land and sea to reach the British mainland only to find that all land had been claimed at his prefered location of Wales. This left Sirromz with little hope of achieving a town on the mainland, to which he decided to set up a small underwater cave off the west coast of wales. Sirromz camped at this location trying to stay as stealthy as possible to avoid being discovered. Sirromz was invited to Wales by FutureLemon in October 2019.Sirromz moved all of his gathered resources to his plot in Wales which he still holds as an embassy plot at the border of London and Wales today.

2020 Wales & Norway

Sirromz requested to become a builder within Wales and was involved in building the north to south road connection across Wales. This road was originally built lower than where it stands today but was later raised in line with the rest of the surrounding landscape by Sirromz. Another Large scale building project created by Sirromz was the Brynglas Tunnel which links the East of Wales with the largely residential area of west Wales, This mammoth task involved digging a large tunnel and later building the road inside covering the previous narrow surface ice tracks which still lay beneath. Sirromz at this point had little contact with other players other than FutureLemon.

Sirromz was involved in the great pilgrimage across europe to the Greekrat statue of which he holds a rare book depicting the trip.

During 2020, Alexandre of Norway was looking to pass Kristiansand (one of the oldest towns in Norway) to someone within Britain and after liaising with FutureLemon it was agreed that Sirromz would be an appropriate mayor to begin the British expansion into Norway.

Old kristiansand.png

Sirromz, as the new mayor of Kristiansand tried to preserve as much of the history as possible while also recruiting and expanding the town drastically, fast going from a small 30 chunk town to over 100 chunks. The beginning of Sirromz time in Norway was lonely as there was no other active British Norwegian towns although gradually more Mayors arrived in Norway making the area more hospitable and with collaborations between mayors they were able to clean up the heavily griefed areas outside of claims. Sirromz had multiple issues with claim blocking from neighbouring Kalmar Union town Militia and the threat of other Kalmar Union towns popping up along southern Norway only encouraged Sirromz to claim faster eventually reaching a peak of about 180 chunks. The town grew to this size with the help of Seranil who agreed to merge the small town to the east of kristiansand of which many of the buildings still stand.

2021 Part 1

During 2021 with the Norway spawn still existing in Kristiansand despite the town itself now being a part of Britain, Sirromz built a shop at the Norway Nation Spawn. This shop sowed the seeds for the expansion of Sirromz' business interests that included gaining a plot at the Britain nation Spawn and developing it into one of the most reliable shops on EMC (RED). The aim of the shop was to always be in stock, Sirromz had noticed that the most popular products at other shops were often sold cheaply for a quick profit resulting in them selling out regularly and making it difficult for new players to get hold of items that experienced players knew how to obtain. RED, with its signature redstone frontage and red beacon became the most popular shop in Britain with Sirromz regularly advertising in the Trade chat. The shop became the key to Sirromz's wealth with him amassing most of his gold through his business interests. During the first part of 2021 with Sirromz losing the Norway nation spawn to Oslo this saw the decline of the Kristiansand branch of RED leaving the London branch as Sirromz' sole focus.

RED London Shop.png

The first part of 2021 saw Sirromz become a Lord in the British parliament and declare his religion as Accordoism.

During Mid 2021 Sirromz dug the first Ice line tunnel from Kristiansand back to mainland Britain which passed through Norfolk and joined to the main British ice line. This line was later heavily griefed so has mostly been abandoned other than the connections to other parts of Norway.

2021 Part 2

Due in part to the loss of the Norway nation spawn, the second half of 2021 saw the decline of Sirromz as an active player, He would often only be around roughly once or twice a month resulting in RED to sell out of many items and eventually the London shop to also close. Sirromz closed out the end of 2021 as a mostly inactive player with his original house in Wales as his only other territory other than Kristiansand.

2022 Part 1

2022 Saw the banning of a number of high profile British players including the British King which was the trigger for Sirromz to start to become more active to try to restore Britain to some of its former glory. Sirromz became an advisor to the newly formed temporary emergency British government. Sirromz began the year by expanding Kristiansand to 220 chunks which allowed for the beginning of a new bridge to link Kongsmark in the south to Kristiansand bringing the two distant towns closer and making travel between North and Mid Europe faster and easier.


  • Wales (Former Resident)(embassy)
  • Kristiansand (Current Town)
