Steve theHunter
Steve_theHunter is a former resident of Regensburg, and was the mayor of Essen. He was a staff officer of the Bavarian Army, which is part of the Deutsches Heer.
Early Life
Steve_theHunter joined the town of Regensburg which is ruled by his friend Dr_Biochemist. He attained the town rank of builder and he is the one who built Dr_Biochemist's personal residence. Steve built a large nether wart farm beneath Regensburg.
Life as a Mayor
Steve received funding from Dr_Biochemist and AurelianCraft, and used some of his own gold, and made the town of Essen on the 26th July, 2019. After its creation, Essen joined the German Empire. Currently, there is nothing in Essen except a half built town square. Steve is semi-active which means the town might take longer to develop into a grown town.
Military Career
Steve_theHunter is part of the Bavarian Army, the regional army of the Province of Bavaria, part of the German Empire. He participated in the Defense of Regensburg and the Invasion of Niger. He has fallen with great dignity and honour during the Invasion of Niger. After his death, he was awarded with the Bavarian Service Cross and Iron Cross 2nd Class of the German Empire. He was buried in Essen, German Empire.