Waterpigism is a religion based around The Almighty Water Piggius and it's Kingdom. it also has 6 main parts to it. It is also the State religion of Dame-Marie, Paladia, and PKR
- The Void
- The PorkChop
- The Earth
- The Water
- The Cycle
- The Carrot
Holy Sites
As of right now (March 4th 2020) there are two holy sites (and one more pending) plus a church in the making, one of the Holy sites is a Blessed fountain found in SPQR and the other is a small monument in Dame-Marie. The church consists of 4 members so far and is the official state religion of Dame-Marie. The Pending Holy Sites can be found in SPQR.
Does not exist currently.
- 1DoritoHD
- Drackon_03
- Katsumi
- xMertYT
(Religion abandoned, from what I (xMertYT) can tell Dame-Marie, all the holy sites, AND the holy god Water pig himself have all been destroyed. No members have been active in a long time and it shall be known that it is now a mythology like greek or roman)