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1280px-Flag of Atacama.png
Escudo Atacama.png

Coats of Arms

Map Atacama.png

Map of Atacama

Town Information
Economic System
Official Language Flagspain.png Spanish (Main)
Englishflag.jpg English (Secondary)
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Mayor SaltySweet.png SaltySweet_
Councillors N/A
Historical Information
Past Nations Image1.jpg Incan Empire (Territory was originaly claimed by by BeTa_CoRp)

Cl.png Chile (This Chile is considered the Chile ruled by 78Keizap and 78Coryx which no longer exists)

Past Mayors N/A
Past Councillors Tgl mapping.png tgl_mapping

Atacama is is a Town located in the north of Chile, is 1 of the 8 cities in Chile and currently is the 3rd biggest Town in the Mega-nation of La Plata.

Atacama was originaly founded with the name of Copiapo in July 15, 2019. Since then it has grown in size and by one point it was decided to rename the town to Atacama.



Copiapó's Foundation

July 15th, 2019 was the date where two settlers, tgl_mapping and SaltySweet_ founded Copiapó at the north of Chile, it was finacially supported by the Chilean Goverment at the time, this was also seen as an opportunity to claim back land from the Incan Empire, the placement of the town threaten the city of BeTa_CoRp which will eventually fall from inactivity, thus Copiapo and Chile would claim back the Atacama Region (this can be seen in future maps of Chile)

Chile-Patagonia Conflict

Atacama or formerly know as Copiapó in this Era, did not have a lot of activity through out this conflict, besides providing materials or supplys to do little proyects agaisnt Patagonia (the acts made here werent lethal or considered something to declare war against them, but it was ment to mock the patagonians and their sovernity), the state of Copiapó and the acts it did woudnt excalate until the Operation Atahualpa would take place in Chile.

Operation Atahualpa

Operation Atahualpa took place in late 2019 (exact date is was lost), it was an elaborated plan to disband Chile and hoped to claim all the former Chilean cities to the Peru-Viceroyalty, this operation was elavorated by 78Kei and 78Coryx and supported financially by Patagonia. (More details can be seen in the La Plata´s wiki page) Chile was later founded back again with CR12 being the new Leader of Chile, Copiapó would join back Chile making the location of Copiapó a strategical point between the Peruvian-Viceroyalty border and the New Chilean Border. Copiapó at the peak of the conflict was one of the few towns on the north that didnt fall or joined to the Peruvian-Viceroyalty.

(little fun fact of this conflict is that the original founders of Copiapó got together to fake a story, eventually made up so Chile would start a espionage against Peru-Viceroyalty.)


After the conflict of Atahualpa relations with Chile would stabilize with Patagonia, and with Peru-Viceroyalty gone Copiapo would go through an inactivity state which still prolongs to 2021.


Thanks to JonnyGrunge Financial Help, Copiapo would expand its borders even further, at which point it was the 3rd biggest town, thanks to its size and relation to real world locations, it was renamed to the Region de Atacama or Atacama for short.


Atacama has went throught 3 renovations, moving building styles betweet colonial and modern while keeping its most important buildings. (Atacama is still in rebuilding stage so photos of buildings in the city would have to wait)


The Flag of Atacama was choosen the 14th of june 2021 as thanks to the territorial expancion of Copiapo, which would end up being the 3rd largest Town in La Plata, thanks to this change it was suggested that Copiapo would need to rename it self to what we now know as Atacama.

The Colors of the Flag are Blue and Gold, Blue represents the Liberty and Freedom, While the Golden star represents the effert of those who fought for this land. (this flag does exist IRL and has a bit different meaning, but the vexillology here was change due to different events happening of course)

Notable People

  • tgl_mapping

Co-Founder of Atacama

  • JonnyGrunge

Crucial Financial Supporter and Donator

  • CR12

Welcomed Atacama with open arms and supported the city financially and resourcefully

  • 32Mix & DasXtiN

Defended the city in random raids and griefings