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<section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color"></section><section class="pi-item pi-group pi-border-color"></section>
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Canadian Empire}}

== General info ==
The Canadian Empire is a supernation of collaborating provinces and territories in the individual nations of [[Québec|Imperial Quebec]] and [[British Columbia]] (formerly Salish). It is built upon a set of necessary laws and the history of the previous ruined versions of the nation dating back to 2019. Some of the original founding nations of the first Canadian Union still remain, those being Canada (formerly Quebec) and Avalon which exist under the jurisdiction of Imperial Quebec.  
{{Infobox_Alliance|title1 = Canadian Union|image1 = Drapeau Union Canadienne (1).png|caption1 = Each dot represents a member nation|row1 = Canadian Union flag|abbreviation = C.U|type = Alliance|membership = All Canadian nations are welcomed}}This is where you can write general details on your alliance, such as location, the date it started, basic history, member nations, etc. You may want to put specifics only in the infobox of the alliance, but it's totally up to you. Because alliances are larger and more importantly they also have much higher standards than town or player articles. alliances need a flag and or banner on the wiki, however, there are no standards as long as it's not edgy for no reason or otherwise randomly retarded. It's lenient though and at moderator discretion. Infoboxes are required.

<nowiki>*</nowiki> Describe anything that is common between the nations in the alliance, for example, location or ideology.{{Nation_Infobox|title1 = Info|largest_city = Rennes|area = Canada|leader = Prime Minister - Riley_Mcdonut
The Empire has faced numerous challenges in its troubled history, more information will be provided below.  
Governor General - Scorpionzz|army_size = Combined military of member nations}}
== '''Purpose, Ideology, Common Theme''' ==
Feel free to separate this into separate sections.
== '''History''' ==
This section is NOT optional, as it will end up being the bulk of your article. It is however lenient and not much has to be written, as long as it has some subdivisions. Subdividing should be done in longer, broader time periods, and then smaller specific ones. How long or short you want each period to be is totally up to you. At first, using only one subdivision if fine, but unlike player articles alliances tend to have a lot of history so it's required to eventually add more. If you have trouble making more subdivisions or writing about the history of the town contact a mod.

Subdividing has always been really inconsistent so this is not final, but it's better to use headings as intended. So for example:
[ Here is a playlist of videos about the Canadian Empire]
=== ''Have a Sub-heading 1 as the first one in a group'' ===
==== And Sub-heading 2 for specifics ====
Italicizing or bolding the first group makes it a lot easier to see in different to the smaller ones so its recommended.

I would not recommend subheading 3 because it looks tiny and makes things weird
{{Nation_Infobox|title1 = Canadian Empire
|language = English, French, Avalonese
|largest_city = Bridgeton QC (Residents)
Montreal QC, Rennes QC (Chunks)
|area = Canada
|population = 500-600 (March 2021)
|leader = Prime Minister - Undetermined
|army_size = Strong but not determined
|political_system = Constitutional Monarchy, Democracy, Absolute Monarchy
|economic_system = Capitalism
|past_leaders = Emperors:

otherwise, feel free to write whatever history you want here
Nuuknein, Hodin
YourEverydayJay (un-elected, emergency PM)
Sheev_Palpatine (Future_Gaming)
|religion = Melonism, Pissism
|oldest_town = Bridgeton|image1=|caption1=|nation=|eras=|capital=No capital as of March 2021|capital_and_largest_city=|/n_list_page=Quebec - /n list 1 (both chunks and residents)|established_on=2021-03-10|past_capitals=Bridgeton, Rennes, Montreal, Saguenay}}
[[File:Drapeau Union Canadienne (4).png|thumb|Flag of the Canadian Empire]]

Heres an example:
=='''Purpose''' ==
=== ''Early History'' ===
The purpose of the Canadian Empire is simple- it is to serve the region of Canada and it's provinces/territories to their benefit, and to protect Canadian rights and interests serverwide. It aims to promote mutually beneficial collaboration between the nations of Canada and reach the ultimate goal of Canadian unification. This was essentially reached under the leadership of the infamous player [[Tyce]] in mid-2020, but currently remains incomplete.
==== Template1 ====
== '''History'''==
After extensive talks with EchoOcelot Paperpikmin established a new German state in order to recreate the German alliance. Initially, success was seen, with a new town established and Berlin regained. This slowed as Paperpikmin became incredibly busy off the server. Nonetheless, as November arrived the alliance saw continued legitimacy and growth, however, it is slow due to the major towns of Leipzig and Hamburg proving an enormous obstacle. Many new alliances were quickly established, and diplomatic talks were made initially.
A brief history of the organization can be found [ in this video].
==== Template2 ====
As you can see, it looks relatively neat when there is enough text in each subdivision, so this is the recommended route to take.
===The Celtic Union===
== '''Government''' ==
Not much is known of this period, or hasn't been revealed yet. The old days of the nation of Canada come from Scottish colonizers fleeing from the conflict in Britain against their home nation.
Describe how the alliance functions. Obviously, anything secretive can be left out entirely, but outright wrong information is not okay. If this creates conflict contact a wiki mod about the issue.
===The Reformation===
== '''Military''' ==
''After the old Canadian union fell a new one was formed to try and fill the gap.''
Additionally, it's important to write about the military, whether there is one or not. Like government, this can be very simple or very complicated at your discretion. If a alliance only uses militia, feel free to just write that or detail them. If a alliance has no military whatsoever and refuses to ever fight, that's another relevant point and should be discussed here.
== '''Buildings and Monuments''' ==
The reformation came shortly after the fall of the old Canadian union and after the mass pull from the alliance of multiple Canadian nations. In the early days of the alliance, a prime minister vote was made and Riley_Mcdonut won becoming the Canadian union's first prime minister. The first bill passed by Riley_Mcdonut was the full legalization of weed throughout Canada.
These are buildings associated with this alliance, for example, headquarters and monuments. Alliances can use buildings from any member nation, town, or any "territory" it owns.
== '''Member Nations''' ==
===War with Norway===
This is a list of the member nations and their geographical area.
Later on September 14th, 2019 a war declaration was made against Norway after the aggressive actions from Norwegian citizens. Shortly after this war declaration on September 15th, a peace treaty was made between Norway and the Canadian Union to avoid further conflict
{| class="article-table"
===US alliance tensions:===
[ Click here]
!Date Joined
===The Coup of July===
On July 26th, most member states of the Canadian Empire were kicked. The next day, Morgini and a group of officials engaged in a coup d'etat against Prime Minister Skildo and Emperor 754. Sinister was placed as the new Prime Minister, and the country is preparing to begin democratic reforms. In addition, all kicked members but Rupert's land and affiliated nations were invited to return. For more info, [ see this video].  
!Date Left
==The National Archives==
For more history on the CU visit the National Archives made by miniminer367 (omega squad)
[ National Archives (Google Drive link)]
==Current policies==
All following policies are temporary and have been set by the last PM, Ra2or and have not been changed since.
<s><u>'''Anti-War:'''</u> the CU is mainly for development and prosperity with member nations, not to wage war. however, that does not mean that they will not fight in a war when attacked. This later ended when Tyce became emperor.</s>
<s><u>'''Anti-colony:'''</u> after the loss of it's two major colonies, (New Guinea and Hawaii) the PM of the CU at the time (ra2or) has deemed the use of colonies "expensive and without use as they cost too much and do not have much value in gold" This move has also been highly recommended by the Emperor Scorpionzzx. (This policy was later disregarded)</s>
All policies of the Canadian Empire are of the individual nations within the empire until the current revival can take place. Policies in Imperial Quebec include pro-war, pro-colonization (within reason), pro-capitalism/free market, pro-expansionism, and good relations with Britain and the nations of the Commonwealth and Trimortum. British Columbian policies include (must be worked on).
==The Constitution==
The first constitutions, made by Omega Astra (miniminer367), reviewed the rights and powers of government and many other subjects. As the Republic has fallen, the constitutions have been archived and are no longer available to public.
The current constitution was made by Sayer and 32Java, of which review the rights and powers of government as well as of the citizens of the Canadian Empire. It has yet to be published to the public, but has been ratified by the Canadian Empire and participating nations.
[[File:Cu.jpeg|thumb|220x220px|Map of the CU, made by nuuknein (october)]]
The government of this nation is a modified version of the Westminster Parliamentary System for EarthMC. It consists of a Prime Minister, Emperor, Cabinet, Senate, and Parliament, with a head of state formally called the "Emperor".  
=== Prime Minister===
The Prime Minister is an elected official by the citizens of the Canadian Empire that holds the most powerful position and makes key decisions in the government.
==== Emperor====
The Emperor is representative of a monarch and does not hold much governmental power... However, the emperor could easily sway public opinion and also has a high position in the military. This role was discontinued in the Coup Of July, but reinstated in new reforms in March 2021.
====Cabinet ====
The cabinet was chosen by the Prime Minister and consisted roles such as:
*Minister of Economy,
*Minister of Defense,
*Minister of Infrastructure,
*Minister of Foreign Affairs,
*Minister of Colonies.
These offices were necessary to manage the Canadian Union and helped the Prime Minister run the government.
====Senate ====
The Senate was introduced after the exit of [[Rupert's Land]]. The senate consisted of national leaders only and had the right to appeal or replace parliamentary actions and votes.
====Parliament ====
Members of Parliament were required to be a resident of a member nation. Parliament could veto and pass any bills and also conduct an impeachment process.
==History of Prime Ministers and their Deputies:==
{| class="wikitable"
!Prime Minister
!Head of State
|YourEveryDayJay ''(unelected)''
| rowspan="2" |'''10'''
| rowspan="2" |Morgini
| rowspan="2" |
| rowspan="2" |
== '''Notable People''' ==
This is a required field to detail important members of the alliance. This can be organized in a list, for example:
{| class="article-table"
!Role in
the Alliance
== '''Military'''==
The most notable and one of the first military attacks came when Prime Minister Riley_mcdonut ordered an assault on Tyce which lead to 10 military members showing up within the hour to respond. This assault on Tyce later started the NWS war declaration on Canada. Canadian military strategy consisted of mainly defensive strategies, long game tactics, and a powerful economy even during wartime. But later on, they moved to more effective war strategies.
Canadian Empire is part of the British Commonwealth but had never had to call for Britain to declare war although Britain has helped in some of the Canadian wars. Canada had helped Britain in many wars and was a key factor in the Greater Roman Empires' armistice with Britain after Britain's declaration of war. Canada carried out raids on the most active nation in the GRE, Nubia. These raids attempted to force the GRE to come to a quick agreement with Britain and made GRE come to a quick agreement. (Outdated)
The role of the Canadian Empire in the British Commonwealth is up for debate, but member nations within the empire, most notably Quebec, has a strong presence within the Commonwealth and Accordo, through aiding in both Canadian and British wars/battles. The relations between Imperial Quebec and Britain remain strong despite fringe disputes within Imperial Quebec to leave the British Commonwealth, which is very unlikely. All the nations in Imperial Quebec (with the exception of Vinland), and all the nations in BC are members of the British Commonwealth, Canada being the most historic one.
====Military projects (Old)====
The Ce Military also had multiple secret projects using experiment weaponry such as TNT missiles, TNT bombing aircraft, and potion experiments. Most projects have been discontinued due to budget cuts and hitting physical barriers such as explosion protection in claims. To this day only 2 of the planned 5 missile silos with working TNT missiles were actually built. of the 2 built 0 of them are in usable condition.
The Canadian empire itself didn't have a large economy however Canada used to hold the absolute majority of the economy with a global market share of 12.8% EMCL survey 1/26/2020 putting Canada at the most used shop on EMC. This money allowed Canada to be an economic superpower and to spend lots of gold on its military budget and on towns in its nation. Avalon also had a Discord-based store called 'Avazon'. Quebec was also well-positioned in top EMC shops.
The Canadian Republic's market and economy lost its value after sign shops went off for many months on EarthMC. (Outdated)
The Canadian Empire places itself firmly in the global market, with thousands of gold flowing through the markets of Quebec, Canada and BC as of March 2021.
=='''Member Nations'''==
This is a list of former member nations.
*Anchorage (Temporary)
*Costa Rica
*Dakota D.C.
*East Alaska
*New York
*Northern Canada
*North Quebec
*South Canada
*Wabanaki (Disbanded)
*West Alaska
=='''Notable People'''==
This is a list of the most notable people who put a lot of effort into formation of the Canadian Empire.
{| class="article-table"
!Role in
the Alliance
|Omega Astra
|Made the Constitution, Passed reforms, Modernized the CE in many ways
|Canada/Imperial Quebec
|Nation leader of Canada due to Scorpionzzx' leave
| Founded the Canadian Union, first Emperor and major figure to this day
|Quit and retired in Britain, holding the town of Oslo
|ex-deputy Prime Minister Of The Canadian Empire, Grand MP
|Mayor of Montreal, CR capital (Also an emc mod)
|ex-Prime minister of the Canadian Empire
|King of Quebec
|ex-Emperor of Canadian Empire
|Rupert's Land
|brought the Canadian Empire to its highest point
| enanemes_
|MP (March-Present), ex-cabinet member, passed many reforms in the original CE
|PM of Quebec
== '''Other Recommended Headings''' ==
The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your alliance page. Most are applicable to most alliances.

{{Nation_Infobox|title1 = Alliance|caption1 = Put Alliance flag here|nation = TBD1, TBD2 |capital = TBD1|leader(s) = TBD1, TBD2|/|army_size = Unknown|political_system = Unknown|economic_system = Unknown|largest_nation = Unknown |past_leaders = None|past_alliances = None|image1 = }}
===Regional Powers VS Canadian Union War===
This was a war between the Canadian Union and regional powers that the Canadian lost and surrendered too.
===Northwest Syndicate (NWS) vs Canadian Empire===
This was a war declared after the Canadian empire attacked a member of the NWS with 10 people. The Canadian empire chose to ignore this war after the NWS made false claims that they were "invading the NWS territory".
===Somerset Vs Canadian Empire===
The somerset war started after Canada refused to give 2 towns to a newly reformed nation called somerset. Quebec denied the request explaining that Quebec was about 10x bigger than somerset and did not feel they had bargaining power. Shortly after somerset declared war Somerset was kicked from the leadership of the regional powers and lost all of his bargaining power. The Canadian empire barely acknowledges this war due to the fact that somerset was so irrelevant and small nobody really noticed they had even declared war.
===Ohio massacre===
This war happened after repeated attempts for Ohio to expand into Canadian empire towns and nations. This soon led to a massive army of 10-15 people from Britain, the Canadian Empire and other invited nations such as Finland to fight in the streets of Ohio. This led to Ohio accepting defeat and agreeing to keep away from CE towns and nations from now on. This eventually leads to a collapse of the Ohio government and overthrow of an emergency elected president called Mow and chaos within the government of Ohio.
===Commonwealth Conflicts===
During the British declaration of war on GRE (Greater Roman Empire) Canada raided multiple towns in Nubia, the most active nation in GRE at the time. Other conflicts Canada has also helped in include the fight against the rebel nation of highlands in Britain however no real ground was made as they have deep claims in Britain. Canada has also helped in the Irish rebel nation and got 1 town to leave Ireland and raided ossary multiple times causing them to lose lots of items and slowing progress in the town.
[[Category:Alliances (Nova)]]

* Political Affiliation
{{DEFAULTSORT:Canadian Empire}}
* Political Parties
* Politics
* Economics (This may be made required depending on it's role in terra nova)
* Diplomacy (highly, highly, highly recommended)
* Maps
* Pictures
* Culture
* Anything else that isn't ridiculous and can with reason fit into the wiki{{Infobox Alliance}}[[Category:Alliance]]
[[Category:North America]]

Latest revision as of 03:00, 24 January 2025

The Canadian Empire is a supernation of collaborating provinces and territories in the individual nations of Imperial Quebec and British Columbia (formerly Salish). It is built upon a set of necessary laws and the history of the previous ruined versions of the nation dating back to 2019. Some of the original founding nations of the first Canadian Union still remain, those being Canada (formerly Quebec) and Avalon which exist under the jurisdiction of Imperial Quebec.

The Empire has faced numerous challenges in its troubled history, more information will be provided below.

Here is a playlist of videos about the Canadian Empire

Flag of the Canadian Empire


The purpose of the Canadian Empire is simple- it is to serve the region of Canada and it's provinces/territories to their benefit, and to protect Canadian rights and interests serverwide. It aims to promote mutually beneficial collaboration between the nations of Canada and reach the ultimate goal of Canadian unification. This was essentially reached under the leadership of the infamous player Tyce in mid-2020, but currently remains incomplete.


A brief history of the organization can be found in this video.

The Celtic Union

Not much is known of this period, or hasn't been revealed yet. The old days of the nation of Canada come from Scottish colonizers fleeing from the conflict in Britain against their home nation.

The Reformation

After the old Canadian union fell a new one was formed to try and fill the gap.

The reformation came shortly after the fall of the old Canadian union and after the mass pull from the alliance of multiple Canadian nations. In the early days of the alliance, a prime minister vote was made and Riley_Mcdonut won becoming the Canadian union's first prime minister. The first bill passed by Riley_Mcdonut was the full legalization of weed throughout Canada.

War with Norway

Later on September 14th, 2019 a war declaration was made against Norway after the aggressive actions from Norwegian citizens. Shortly after this war declaration on September 15th, a peace treaty was made between Norway and the Canadian Union to avoid further conflict

US alliance tensions:

Click here

The Coup of July

On July 26th, most member states of the Canadian Empire were kicked. The next day, Morgini and a group of officials engaged in a coup d'etat against Prime Minister Skildo and Emperor 754. Sinister was placed as the new Prime Minister, and the country is preparing to begin democratic reforms. In addition, all kicked members but Rupert's land and affiliated nations were invited to return. For more info, see this video.

The National Archives

For more history on the CU visit the National Archives made by miniminer367 (omega squad)

National Archives (Google Drive link)

Current policies

All following policies are temporary and have been set by the last PM, Ra2or and have not been changed since.

Anti-War: the CU is mainly for development and prosperity with member nations, not to wage war. however, that does not mean that they will not fight in a war when attacked. This later ended when Tyce became emperor.

Anti-colony: after the loss of it's two major colonies, (New Guinea and Hawaii) the PM of the CU at the time (ra2or) has deemed the use of colonies "expensive and without use as they cost too much and do not have much value in gold" This move has also been highly recommended by the Emperor Scorpionzzx. (This policy was later disregarded)

All policies of the Canadian Empire are of the individual nations within the empire until the current revival can take place. Policies in Imperial Quebec include pro-war, pro-colonization (within reason), pro-capitalism/free market, pro-expansionism, and good relations with Britain and the nations of the Commonwealth and Trimortum. British Columbian policies include (must be worked on).

The Constitution

The first constitutions, made by Omega Astra (miniminer367), reviewed the rights and powers of government and many other subjects. As the Republic has fallen, the constitutions have been archived and are no longer available to public.

The current constitution was made by Sayer and 32Java, of which review the rights and powers of government as well as of the citizens of the Canadian Empire. It has yet to be published to the public, but has been ratified by the Canadian Empire and participating nations.

Map of the CU, made by nuuknein (october)


The government of this nation is a modified version of the Westminster Parliamentary System for EarthMC. It consists of a Prime Minister, Emperor, Cabinet, Senate, and Parliament, with a head of state formally called the "Emperor".

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is an elected official by the citizens of the Canadian Empire that holds the most powerful position and makes key decisions in the government.


The Emperor is representative of a monarch and does not hold much governmental power... However, the emperor could easily sway public opinion and also has a high position in the military. This role was discontinued in the Coup Of July, but reinstated in new reforms in March 2021.


The cabinet was chosen by the Prime Minister and consisted roles such as:

  • Minister of Economy,
  • Minister of Defense,
  • Minister of Infrastructure,
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs,
  • Minister of Colonies.

These offices were necessary to manage the Canadian Union and helped the Prime Minister run the government.


The Senate was introduced after the exit of Rupert's Land. The senate consisted of national leaders only and had the right to appeal or replace parliamentary actions and votes.


Members of Parliament were required to be a resident of a member nation. Parliament could veto and pass any bills and also conduct an impeachment process.

History of Prime Ministers and their Deputies:

No. Prime Minister Term Deputy Head of State
1 Riley_Mcdonut
2 Ra2or
3 Omega_squad
4 Nuuknein Hodin
5 Morgini_
6 YourEveryDayJay (unelected)
7 Omega_Squad Most_Creative
8 Nuukein Hodin
9 Omega_Squad Riley_Mcdonut
10 Morgini IsabelleIzzy
11 Skildo
12 SinisterCherry
13 Chancellor_Palpatine Omega_Astra
14 Emonm9
15 Enanemes
16 UghK1
17 SayerQT
18 Kounter



The most notable and one of the first military attacks came when Prime Minister Riley_mcdonut ordered an assault on Tyce which lead to 10 military members showing up within the hour to respond. This assault on Tyce later started the NWS war declaration on Canada. Canadian military strategy consisted of mainly defensive strategies, long game tactics, and a powerful economy even during wartime. But later on, they moved to more effective war strategies.


Canadian Empire is part of the British Commonwealth but had never had to call for Britain to declare war although Britain has helped in some of the Canadian wars. Canada had helped Britain in many wars and was a key factor in the Greater Roman Empires' armistice with Britain after Britain's declaration of war. Canada carried out raids on the most active nation in the GRE, Nubia. These raids attempted to force the GRE to come to a quick agreement with Britain and made GRE come to a quick agreement. (Outdated)

The role of the Canadian Empire in the British Commonwealth is up for debate, but member nations within the empire, most notably Quebec, has a strong presence within the Commonwealth and Accordo, through aiding in both Canadian and British wars/battles. The relations between Imperial Quebec and Britain remain strong despite fringe disputes within Imperial Quebec to leave the British Commonwealth, which is very unlikely. All the nations in Imperial Quebec (with the exception of Vinland), and all the nations in BC are members of the British Commonwealth, Canada being the most historic one.

Military projects (Old)

The Ce Military also had multiple secret projects using experiment weaponry such as TNT missiles, TNT bombing aircraft, and potion experiments. Most projects have been discontinued due to budget cuts and hitting physical barriers such as explosion protection in claims. To this day only 2 of the planned 5 missile silos with working TNT missiles were actually built. of the 2 built 0 of them are in usable condition.


The Canadian empire itself didn't have a large economy however Canada used to hold the absolute majority of the economy with a global market share of 12.8% EMCL survey 1/26/2020 putting Canada at the most used shop on EMC. This money allowed Canada to be an economic superpower and to spend lots of gold on its military budget and on towns in its nation. Avalon also had a Discord-based store called 'Avazon'. Quebec was also well-positioned in top EMC shops.

The Canadian Republic's market and economy lost its value after sign shops went off for many months on EarthMC. (Outdated)

The Canadian Empire places itself firmly in the global market, with thousands of gold flowing through the markets of Quebec, Canada and BC as of March 2021.

Member Nations

This is a list of former member nations.

  • Acadia
  • Alaska
  • Alberta
  • Anchorage (Temporary)
  • Avalon
  • Avannaa
  • Baffin
  • Belize
  • Canada
  • Costa Rica
  • Dakota D.C.
  • East Alaska
  • Gjoa
  • Groenland
  • Inuvik
  • Iroquois
  • Khazar
  • Kingston
  • Kodiak
  • KSSR
  • Maine
  • Midwest
  • Minnesota
  • New York
  • North
  • Alaska
  • Northern Canada
  • North Quebec
  • Nouvelle-France
  • Nunavut
  • Pennsylvania
  • Quebec
  • Russia
  • Salish
  • Saratov
  • Severny
  • South Canada
  • Tabasco
  • Totoroland
  • Vermont
  • Wabanaki (Disbanded)
  • West Alaska

Notable People

This is a list of the most notable people who put a lot of effort into formation of the Canadian Empire.

Name Role in

the Alliance

Nation Notes
Omega Astra Made the Constitution, Passed reforms, Modernized the CE in many ways Canada/Imperial Quebec Nation leader of Canada due to Scorpionzzx' leave
Scorpionzzx Founded the Canadian Union, first Emperor and major figure to this day Britain Quit and retired in Britain, holding the town of Oslo
Hodin ex-deputy Prime Minister Of The Canadian Empire, Grand MP Quebec Mayor of Montreal, CR capital (Also an emc mod)
Morgini ex-Prime minister of the Canadian Empire Quebec King of Quebec
Tyce ex-Emperor of Canadian Empire Rupert's Land brought the Canadian Empire to its highest point
enanemes_ MP (March-Present), ex-cabinet member, passed many reforms in the original CE Quebec PM of Quebec


Regional Powers VS Canadian Union War

This was a war between the Canadian Union and regional powers that the Canadian lost and surrendered too.

Northwest Syndicate (NWS) vs Canadian Empire

This was a war declared after the Canadian empire attacked a member of the NWS with 10 people. The Canadian empire chose to ignore this war after the NWS made false claims that they were "invading the NWS territory".

Somerset Vs Canadian Empire

The somerset war started after Canada refused to give 2 towns to a newly reformed nation called somerset. Quebec denied the request explaining that Quebec was about 10x bigger than somerset and did not feel they had bargaining power. Shortly after somerset declared war Somerset was kicked from the leadership of the regional powers and lost all of his bargaining power. The Canadian empire barely acknowledges this war due to the fact that somerset was so irrelevant and small nobody really noticed they had even declared war.

Ohio massacre

This war happened after repeated attempts for Ohio to expand into Canadian empire towns and nations. This soon led to a massive army of 10-15 people from Britain, the Canadian Empire and other invited nations such as Finland to fight in the streets of Ohio. This led to Ohio accepting defeat and agreeing to keep away from CE towns and nations from now on. This eventually leads to a collapse of the Ohio government and overthrow of an emergency elected president called Mow and chaos within the government of Ohio.

Commonwealth Conflicts

During the British declaration of war on GRE (Greater Roman Empire) Canada raided multiple towns in Nubia, the most active nation in GRE at the time. Other conflicts Canada has also helped in include the fight against the rebel nation of highlands in Britain however no real ground was made as they have deep claims in Britain. Canada has also helped in the Irish rebel nation and got 1 town to leave Ireland and raided ossary multiple times causing them to lose lots of items and slowing progress in the town.