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{{EnhancedTown|title1=Albany|image1=file:Albany_01.png|color=#3c3b6e|eras={{Eras|decay}}|full_name=The City of Albany|motto="Assiduity"|established=12th February, 2021|nation=New York, USA|population=15|continent=North America|mayor=AdrianHES|councillors=BetaCheese|official_language=English, Turkish|past_councillors=deathlife23}}
{{EnhancedTown|title1=Albany|image1=File:Albany_01.png|color=#3c3b6e|eras={{Eras|decay}}|full_name=The City of Albany|motto="Assiduity"|established=12th February, 2021|nation=New York, USA|population=15|continent=North America|mayor=AdrianHES|councillors=BetaCheese|official_language=English, Turkish|past_councillors=deathlife23}}

Albany is a town in New York, USA. It was established on 12 February, 2021 by current mayor [[AdrianHES]]. It is the northernmost United States town in North America, and the northernmost town in the [[East Coast Metropolis]] that belongs to the United States. Albany is approximately a minute away, by foot, from downtown New York City and New York's /n spawn.
Albany is a town in New York, USA. It was established on 12 February, 2021 by current mayor [[AdrianHES]]. It is the northernmost United States town in North America, and the northernmost town in the [[East Coast Metropolis]] that belongs to the United States. Albany is approximately a minute away, by foot, from downtown New York City and New York's /n spawn.

Revision as of 15:59, 15 May 2021

Town Information
Full Name
Economic System
Official Language English, Turkish
Official Religion
Government Information
Mayor AdrianHES
Councillors BetaCheese
Political System
Historical Information
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors deathlife23

Albany is a town in New York, USA. It was established on 12 February, 2021 by current mayor AdrianHES. It is the northernmost United States town in North America, and the northernmost town in the East Coast Metropolis that belongs to the United States. Albany is approximately a minute away, by foot, from downtown New York City and New York's /n spawn.

Albany History

The history of Albany is one of equal conflict and prosperity. Albany was and is a prime landing spot for immigrants to the USA, some of which leave Albany in search of other American towns. Albany is the home of a vibrant small community, who take pride in the towns small size. Albany has also been the subject of several land disputes, the most prominent being the town's ongoing blockade in the west by Death Valley, Illinois.

Albany was founded on 12 February, 2021 by AdrianHES with the financial and technical help of current New York governor Lucas2011. Soon after, roads and houses began to be erected by AdrianHES and other new town members. Several shops were also built, but they never flourished due to the almost nonexistant out-of-town traffic through Albany.

Albany suffered greatly during the height of the war between the United States and the NAP. Having exhausted most funds on geographic expansion, the town went bankrupt in mid-March, 2021. A small loan of 362 gold was acquired by a generous American politician, and by May, the town was back on its feet and growing stronger than ever before.

The town has had several notable alumni as residents and embassy holders. Among these are BetaCheese, deathlife23, Pirate_Ron, Scrabs, and Gabee to name a few.

Albany Government

  • AdrianHES - Mayor
  • BetaCheese - Councillor


  • Downtown District - Main St. / Albany Ave. E / New York Ave. W / Turkish Alley /
  • West Grove District - Albany Ave. W / Carnation St. / Potomac Ave. / Lassiter Ave. /
  • Market District - New York Ave. E / Adhithiyan St. /


  • Albany Town Hall - 1 Albany Ave. E
  • Albany Gift Shop - 2 Main St.
  • Mayor's Villa - 6 Albany Ave. E
  • AdrianHES Residence - 7 Main St.
  • Albany Library - 5 Main St.
  • Major's Tower - 12 Albany Ave. W
  • Cheese Tower - 8 Adhithiyan St.
  • BetaCheese Residence - 4 Albany Ave. E
  • Deathlife House - 1 Main St.
  • Deathlife Park - 8 Adhithiyan St.
  • West Grove Memorial Park - 11 Albany Ave. W
  • Sally Panther House - 15 Albany Ave. W