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Britain was the first and is currently the oldest nation on Terra Nova. It is based in the British Isles, being along the English Channel which is a region labeled as the 'cradle of civilization' of Terra Nova. It was established by MineHero43 on October 27th, 2018 after the founding of the Urbs Antiqua, London.

It was also founded and built with the remnants of the Japanese state on EarthMC classic, many of it's mayors and notable people are characters from the Japanese Empire. Britain was, and is, also built along with the foundations and ideology of Accordo and Accordoism. See The Accordo Manifesto

Territory and Administration

Britain covers territory across the entirety of the British Isles, with the island of Great Britain and parts of Ireland under its banner.

--Picture coming soon--

States/Autonomous Regions:

  • England
  • Scotland
  • Ireland
  • Faroe Islands
  • Channel Islands
  • Shetlands

Senior Government Officials:

King-Emperor: MineHero43

Scottish Queen: amberhope

Prime Minister: FutureLemon

Scottish First Minister: John_Major

Irish First Minister: Angloist

Early History


The nation of Britain was founded by MineHero43 after he sailed from his spawn point in South Africa to the British Isles.

Britain was pre-planned before the release of Terra Nova by senior members of the classic Japanese Empire. MineHero43 would go on to establish the first and oldest town on the isles, London. Alongside London came Isle_Of_Wight, Cardiff and Dublin. After mining for nearly two days straight, MineHero43 had the gold to create the nation and in the name of SlyPrince, Britain was founded as the first nation on Terra Nova.

Britain focused heavily on building its towns and establishing a secure presence on the British Isles. This lead to not only London becoming the first town to reach 100 claims but also London and Glasgow becoming the two largest towns on the server with over 200+ claims at one point. (Glasgow would later fall into ruin however London continued to prosper) Other towns such as Norwich, Dublin, York and Plymouth began growing in size as well. This saw the construction of famous landmarks such as Westminster Palace in London which at the time was one of the largest structures in Europe.

Although Britain maintained a neutral foreign policy towards other nations in mainland Europe, Britain would soon be dragged into its first conflict.

The Nordic War

The Faroe Dispute:

In its mainland claims, Britain included the Faroe islands which at the time had an Icelandic town on its northern part. Britain soon established its own town on the southern island, Torshavn. The presence of Torshavn angered Iceland and its ally Norway and a large scale battle soon ensued over the islands, although no side lost anything as keep inventory was enabled at the time. Nevertheless, the dispute and battle pitted both sides against each other for the upcoming weeks.

Norwegian Civil War

The war soon turned against Britain as Norway captured the town of Sussex as a new mayor had recently taken over there. With the threat of more Norwegian towns on the Isles, Britain soon negotiated a peace with Iceland and Norway which allowed Norway to keep Sussex as a colony.

Less than a day after the peace was signed, Britain funded the mayor of Oslo, Magenent to create his own nation, Norge and start a Norwegian Civil war. Denmark under the leadership of alek_b would later join Britain and Magenent in their new conflict against Norway.

The war turned greatly in Britain's favour after the town of Sussex returned to Britain after MineHero43 had negotiated with the mayor to hand it over to a new one. Norway would see a surge of inactivity and players leaving the server, including their leader twigking which allowed for Magenent to claim all of Norway under his new nation

The war is generally considered a victory for the British-Danish alliance which would continue even after the war.

Continued Growth


Once the situation with Norway was under control, Britain focused one again on continuing to grow its nation, this time its economy. Tesco was soon founded in London as the first store of its type on the server, making use of the new sign shop plugin. This saw a huge surge in Britain's popularity and economy and allowed for more towns to grow at a more rapid pace.


Britain also saw the construction of more historic and iconic landmarks on its isles. Wither255 completed the first cathedral at Norwich alongside the first ship on the server, the HMS Light. Norwich would go on to become the hub for the vast majority of ships on the server with Wither255 constructing more ships, even for other nations such as Finland.

London saw further growth and the construction of iconic landmarks, such as the Arc de Lemon, SlyPrince theatre and Buckingham Palace beginning construction.

Scottish War

New arrivals:

Britain would soon be interrupted by a significant number of new towns in Scotland from places such as Africa and Siberia. These towns lead by xSpifflesx and RuseOwl would seek to establish a Scottish nation, free from Britain. This would turn into a six month war between Britain and Scotland with thousands of gold being spent and the future of the British Isles at stake. This conflict would be known as the British Civil War/ Scottish War for Independence

Claim Warfare:

With only very few major battles, the war soon turned into a war of claims between individual towns in Scotland and Britain. This saw Britain lose many of its claims to Scottish towns while Scotland would even see entire towns fall into ruinLMany players would come and go with even RuseOwl leaving to Canada as the war continued. Nevertheless, both sides continued for a total of six months.

Peace and Reconciliation:

List of Towns




Architectural Wonders

  • Houses of Parliament, London
  • Tesco, London
  • Nelson's Column, Dublin
  • Server's oldest Church, Accordoist Church of Dublin, Dublin
  • HMS Cutlass, Norwich
    HMS Cutlass
  • HMS Synargle, Norwich
HMS Synargle
  • Animal Graveyard, Liverpool
  • Dublin Castle, Dublin
  • SlyPrince Memorial Tower and Tomb, Glasgow
  • General's Square, Wales
  • Downing Street 10, London
    Downing Street 10 Park and Statue
  • The Royal SlyPrince Theatre, London
  • Westminster Hall, London
  • Buckingham Palace, London
  • Arc De Lemon, London
    Arc De Lemon
  • River Severn, Wales
    Unnamed ship in Cardiff's bay, a part of the River Severn
  • First Accordoist Cathedral, Norwich
    First Anglo-Accordoist Cathedral, also named Norwich Cathedral

Military commanders

Commanders of the British Military


Commander In Chief: MineHero43


Admiral: Wither255


Founded - October 27th 2018

Notable People









