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SayerQT is the Mayor of Winthrop in EarthMC and Former Chancellor of the Salish Federation. She currently holds the role of Minister of Finance and the Treasury inside the Salish Federation and is one of the leading voices inside Salish. She has Premium and Priority ranks and commonly uses the Minecraft Nick of “Sayer”. She is friends through EarthMC with EstiQT and is not a member of any PvP clan. She does not PvP and mainly builds in her town and projects throughout Salish as well as taking part in local politics. She is the longest serving chancellor in the salish federation ever*.


SayerQT spawned in the Ural Mountains on 2 March 2018 in Russia and planned on making the trek to the Bering Strait to settle in her homestate of Washington in North America. Unbeknownst to her, you cannot loop around the Bering strait in EarthMC and was stuck. At this point Sayer realized from global chat that you can teleport by joining towns and joined the town of Vancouver. It was also at this time that she made a small house to the south of vancouver that is visible on many old maps of the region. Sayer left for around 3 months and came back being kicked from Vancouver and joined London this time. She went permanently inactive in November

January 2020

On January 19 2020 SayerQT joined EarthMC again. This time, she was recruited into the cascadian capital Astoria by Estonian_Mapping (now EstiQT). She also joined the Cascadian Discord sometime after and began raising funds for a new town on the Kitsap Peninsula called “Port_Townsend”, Due to a towny glitch she wasn’t able to make the towns but without knowing to go through a nether portal she gave up on port Townsend and made the town “Winthrop” in the North Cascades, named after an IRL town in Washington State that Sayer has been to irl and had a fun time there. It was founded as part of Cascadia.

Feburary 2020

in Early February, Vorobyevite (Mayor of Wenatchee) contacted Sayer via discord about discontent with the Cascadian political system. Sayer also shared the same views and joined the new concept of the Salish Federation along with Seattle mayor JTPilfered and others. These communications were exposed by KingBerman of Cascadia and they were denounced as traitors by the cascadian government. The nation Salish was created shortly afterwards with Sayer joining. Sayer never took a role in Salish politics at the start but contributed to the effort.

March 2020

During JTPilfered’s Chancellery Sayer was the Minister of Transportation and Roadways. She started construction on the Salish Iceway System which is still expanding to this day. This was the most active month of the Rio-Sunset War. See more info here; Rio-Sunset War.

April and May 2020

Due to JTPIlfered resigning as Chancellor on April 1 leaving to join Jefferson, SayerQT was unanimously elected as the Third Chancellor of the Salish federation. She was faced with an inactive nation, with the nation only having around 12 residents. By the end of April it reached Empire and by May it was well into realm status. She had her term extended by parliament into May.


SayerQT was Lead Senator under xGoat_ and Minister of Finance and the Treasury under JesTer_BBX. Winthrop reaches 15 residents sometime in June. In June she also came out as an MTF Transgender Woman. She also became close friends with players friends with EstiQT like AlyxQT, FerretPhone, Silent_Dirt, and more, as well as gaining other friends like TakieX, KamiKokoro, and Shellblu (to an extent). She also started playing an alternative EarthMC server called ContinentalMC along with other people she knows from EMD and plays that as a side project. Winthrop reached 100 claims in late July. She is on the Constitutional Reform Team.


The Squamish Debacle

In Mid-July, SayerQT used national bank funds to fund the new town of Squamish in Southwest British Columbia for Salish Inside Cascadian Territory, forgetting previous border agreements. After a tense period of 1 day, the town was given to Cascadia and Salish held a vote on impeaching Sayer. The vote failed.