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In office
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Profile Information
Aliases Voro
Nation None
Town None
Towny Rank
Political Party None,
NDU (former)
Religion None
Spouse(s) Chrysoprasus
Spawn Information
Date of Spawn
Place of Spawn Mongolia
Physical Information
Nationality American (Real Life) Salish (TN), Cascadian (TA) (In Game)
Gender Male.png Male
Blood Type
Height 5' 8"
Status Information
Server Role
Date of Ban
Nation History
Cascadia, Salish, Jefferson, British Columbia

Vorobyevite (spawned December 2019) is a politician and statesman who served in numerous positions, in several towns, on countless occasions on Terra Nova, and briefly Terra Aurora; primarily in the Pacific Northwest. He was widely considered the founding father of the Salish Confederation, serving as its first Federal Chancellor, and pioneering a form of direct democracy sometimes known as Vorobyevitian democracy. He was the founder of the city of Wenatchee, however later was mayor of Argent (located in Salt Lake City), and also resided in Sherwood Park, Alberta, and served as Mayor of Cranbrooke. On Terra Aurora, he was a signatory of the Charter of Seattle and one of the co-founders of the City of Seattle, the oldest city in the Pacific Northwest. Following the creation of the Republic of Cascadia, he founded the City of Spokane, which today is known as Kootenai National Park; and during this period he briefly served as Cascadia's Secretary of the Interior. He later returned to inactivity, and hasn't been seen since.

Spawning on Nova

Vorobyevite joined some time in early December of 2019, spawning in Southern Mongolia. He set his sights on his home state of Washington, which unbeknownst to him, Cascadia was the nation waiting for him there. He traveled through Mongolia, south into China and to the Pacific Ocean where he crafted a boat, and set sail for North America. On the way, he stopped at Guam, his mother's birth island. Then next was Hawaii. After waiting an in game day, he set out across the ocean to the West Coast of the United States. Upon landing, he arrived south of Astoria, which he asked and tried to join, but was never replied to by Barbay1, the mayor at that period. Heading north, he found Port Angeles, and joined them for a month.


Vorobyevite set out with no true plans, first learning of the game via Chrysoprasus. After joining Cascadia, he grew interested in the politics of the nation, and eventually planned to form the town of Seattle when it fell into ruin, however, JTPilfered had already reclaimed Seattle by the time he had got there. He then went on to found Wenatchee, his hometown.

Port Angeles

Shortly after joining Port Angeles, Vorobyevite set out to develop the town. Estonian_Mapping became very trusting of Vorobyevite, and granted him rank of Councilor very quickly, allowing him to freely build within the town. He set out with pick and axe in hand, building the majority of the Ice Roads within Port Angeles that are still in use today, clearing chunks of the Olympic Mountain Range, recruiting friends and making parks, working with fellow town members and establishing a City Council. During the Cascadian December 2019 elections, he created visuals to make it easier to follow along in the election, which Estonian_Mapping won in a landslide vote.

Cascadian Politics

Vorobyevite was never very vocal in Cascadian politics, at least until the end of their Senator role. Vorobyevite voted along the lines of the Cascadian Constitution until the end of their senator term, carefully weighing each vote that was brought to Senators based on the Constitution. However, he became increasingly frustrated with how the political system functioned, and how there seemed to be a bias toward older Senators and their opinions over newer Senators. And became increasingly distrustful after multiple votes were dismissed or outright cancelled with no justified reason.

Salish Federation Founding

After experiencing what he felt as a violation of the Cascadian Constitution, Vorobyevite discreetly contacted other members within Cascadia to gauge their opinions on how the government was functioning. These initial few people then became the cornerstone of what would spark a peaceful separatist movement that would tear Cascadia apart and change the face of the Pacific Northwest politics forever. Vorobyevite was the leading member, and founding father of the Salish Federation. For more information, see Salish Federation.

Jefferson and Inactivity

After he became increasingly inactive due to personal reasons in the Salish Federation after its founding, the current government of Salish along with Vorobyevite switched the Salish capital to Seattle so the government could properly function, and from then on, NoneAvailable of Jefferson took over Wenatchee. Vorobyevite was still inactive two days before Kaito Kid, a former Wenatchee resident, retained control of Wenatchee.

Return to Wenatchee

Vorobyevite was awakened from inactivity in early 2020 when during a VC in the Salish discord someone accidentally pinged everyone around 70 times. He then joined Seattle temporarily, then joined Wenatchee the day after as a Councilor. Occasionally joining the server to see progress but not having the time to become involved once again. Again becoming inactive.

Return and Journey to Argent

Vorobyevite was approched by SayerQT on August 30th, 2020 to hold the re-founded town of Argent while another Salish member became inactive, and accepted the offer. Shortly after gaining more free time, Vorobyevite began making an effort to reintegrate back into the Salish community, which was undergoing changes, on September 20th, 2020. The town of Argent, which was originally within Deseret, had fallen many months ago and was in a total state of ruin. Vorobyevite and Chrysoprasus began clearing the wreckage, and were paid a visit by their biggest fan, BonZZil.

Departure from Argent

Vorobyevite had cleared a large segment of the Argent ruins over the course of a few months, starting from September 20th, 2020 to March 3rd, 2021. From then, he sold the town to Jefferson, which had a much more valid claim to the land, as it was considerably closer to their nation. He then moved to Seattle, storing his items for the time being. Afterwards he settled into Sherwood Park, Alberta after being invited to join. During that period, he was continuing reforms to British Columbia.

Cascadia.png Republic of Cascadia (Aurora) Cascadia.png
Cascadia.png AvolaCascadia.png ChaeroneaCascadia.png EphrataCascadia.png Jericho RanchFlag of Olympia.png OlympiaNeahBayFlag.png Neah BayFlag of Phoenix, Arizona.png PhoenixPyramid Lake flag .png Pyramid LakeFlag-of-Seattle.png SeattleSpokane flag.png SpokaneNewlogo.png Spokane ValleyGravityFallsFlag(TownAurora).png Gravity FallsFRESNO FLAG - EMC CASCADIA.png Fresno
Wars & Conflicts
Cascadia-Oregon hostilitiesSix-Hour WarOperation DragonflameGrand Canyon controversyRMF War
Notable Citizens
Aug 2022Sep 2022Oct 2022Nov 2022Dec 2022Jan 2023Feb 2023Mar 2023Apr 2023May 2023Jun 2023Jul 2023Aug 2023
Executive branch
CabinetVice PresidentPresident
Legislative branch
House of Representatives (current membersformer membersClerkDeanSpeaker) • List of Legislatures (1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th11th12th13th) • Laws
Judicial branch
Supreme Court (ListChief Justice)
Major laws
National Constitution (2023)
Electoral divisions
Current: NorthernMetropolitanSouthernEastern
Obsolete: PacificWesternGreat NorthFrontierCentralSalish CoastOregonNorth Metropolitan (Salish)South Metropolitan (Rainier)OlympiaNorthwestEast