Columbus was a town located in the real life location of Columbus, Ohio. The town was founded by ArcticArca on June 4, 2022 at 15:49:28 EDT. The town expanded to an unknown size, estimated to be around 100 chunks before it was disbanded.
Town Information
United States
~100 chunks
-15543, -7543
North America
Economic System
Official Language
Official Religion
Government Information
Political System
Historical Information
June 4, 2022
September 3, 2022
Past Nations
Past Mayors
Past Councillors
Before Columbus
Before Columbus was founded, Arca was a member of Toronto, Canada from May 13 to June 4, 2022.
Early Days
The morning after Arca created Columbus, he was perm banned for 2.7 until being unbanned in the afternoon of June 5. After this, he would bring in two of his friends to be the first two residents of Columbus (Derpyboi89 and CNS). The first 8 chunks of the town were dedicated to Arca's house, CNS' house, Derp's house, farms, a mine, and a park. The town then went on to expand eastward to build an ice road station as part of the Canadian Ice Road Network. From this branch, a Chick-fil-A and a smelting building was built
On July 7, 2022 Arca changed the look of all of Columbus by removing the small roads in exchange for one chunk roads as well as flattening the town to y=78. The first road to be built was I-70 running east-west from the center of the town. branching off from this, more roads were built (refer to detailed map of Columbus). Over the next few days, a road was extended north to connect with the town of Ohio.
More residents
On July 20, Arca began inviting more residents to Columbus and amassed a total of about 10 residents. These first residents were: SlovenlyStore45, followed by Little_furry_boi. On July 22 and 23, he would invite BlueAphids, TheGusFring, ItsFluby, Christmmas, and Zachary121122. These residents were placed in the residential district in the south of the town (refer to detailed map of Columbus).
Decline & Deletion
By the time August started, Arca continued to expand the town as his residents began going inactive. Arca continued buying chunks and building roads to accommodate for more residents. He also began contruction of a new building, One Columbus Center. This building would only be partially completed, as on September 3, Arca quit EarthMC for good and deleted Columbus.
Map of Columbus with streets and buildings labeled,
Columbus remained in the wilderness for the next 10 days. Any remaining valuables and materials in chests were stolen and buildings were damaged. On September 13, the town of Ohio (then owned by You_Go_Slavia) expanded to claim many of the buildings. After some time, the current claims of Ohio over Columbus were done and Ohio was traded from You_Go_Slavia to NFISH2021.
Note: Most images are empty or bad, as I currently do not have access to better photos. Once I get access to them, I will update them with the best photo I have of them.
Arca's House
June 6, 2022
Arca's house was where Arca lived for the entirely of Columbus's life. His basement served as his storage room. Following the deletion, Arca's house was mostly kept intact except for his storage room, which was literally completely cleared out.
Derp's House
June 5, 2022
The second building to be construction Columbus. Originally, the house faced east, as a former small road used to run between Arca's and Derp's house. On July 7, 2022, Arca disassembled the building in order to orient the house to face south, so that the house could face the new I-70.
CNS' House
June 4, 2022
The first building to be constructed in Columbus. it originally was located one chunk north of its current location, and also faced east. On July 7, 2022, Arca disassembled the house and relocated it to its present position in order to give way to I-70, which now stands in the house's original location. From June 4 to July 7, the current site of CNS's house was a farm for carrots and potatoes
Welcome Center
July 7, 2022
Built for new residents of Columbus, it was meant to give information about Columbus, Canada/Niagara, and EarthMC. This building had a basement, which contained a map illustrating the area of US state of Ohio (Seen below, in the gallery). All the signs and maps from the building have been stolen following the deletion. From June 4 to July 6, the current site of the Welcome Center was a wheat farm.
Between July 13 and August 27
Based off an existing church design from a small town in St. Louis (Nova). The church was originally built to be a Niagrist church until Columbus separated from Niagara on July 22, after which the church was converted to a basic Christian church.
Gorky Memorial
July 1, 2022
Constructed on July 1, 2022 to memorialize Gorkymoo1119 after his disappearance from all socials in December 2021. Arca had known him since joining Mersa in April 2020. This structure was almost completely destroyed in September 2022, as the memorial was made of quartz.
Derp's 2nd House
Derp began construction of a new house sometime around July 10, 2022. Construction continued until the end of July, when he went inactive. The house was never finished
Between July 19 and August 27
The last structure to be completed in Columbus before its deletion. Due to its materials, the building was almost completely destroyed in September 2022. No photos were ever taken of the 7/11 during, or after contruction. Hence, the image for the building is what it looks like as of April 15, 2023
Smelting Building
June 10, 2022
This building contained 8 furnaces, 8 blast furnaces, and 8 smokers. It was mainly used by Arca. After Columbus' deletion, all the furnaces inside were stolen and the building was damaged.
June 11, 2022
One of the only fully intact buildings left in Columbus. Arca built it for fun, as he wanted to fill in the extra space between the Ice Road Station and the Smelting Building
Ice Road Station
June 6, 2022
In order for this building to be built, Columbus had to extend 4 chunks eastward in order to line up with the Ice Road that was under construction at the time.
Huntington Plaza
July 29, 2022
Construction began on July 11, 2022. The building was based off of the real Huntington Plaza, located at 37 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215
One Columbus Center
Construction began on August 6, 2022. The building was based off of the real One Columbus Center, located at 10 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215. The building was never finished, as Arca quit EMC and deleted Columbus less than a month after beginning construction. In the days leading up to construction, the site of where the building currently stands was used for a giant wheat farm.
Suburban Houses
July 19, 2022
Built as part of a residential district for those willing to pay for prebuilt houses. More houses were planned to be built, but the town was deleted before that could happen. During the 10 day period the town was in wilderness, the valuable materials of the buildings were stolen. Sometime in Late 2022/Early 2023, the mayor of Ohio repaired these houses.
Columbus three hours after its founding
Columbus 8 hours after founding
A map of Columbus on June 8, 2022 inside of Columbus Ice Road Station
An aerial view of Columbus on June 10, 2022
A photo taken inside Chick-fil-A during its construction on June 11, 2022
A map of the state of Ohio showing Columbus, Cincinnati, Philadelphia and the town of Ohio on July 10, 2022.
A photo of Columbus; facing northwest; taken atop the construction of Huntington Plaza on July 11, 2022
One Columbus Center in its early stages of contruction; August 6, 2022