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Hub2 is a distant land far from where any EarthMC player has been before. It is located somewhere in rural Sweden on Fix's harddrive.

The area is somewhere on /n list.


Prior to Formation 

Hub1 is the queue land we all know today, however nice it looked, Fix wanted a new queue land to store his British People who use the quite inferior 'queue' and not the obviously superior 'line'. Fix chose dozens of children from the Belgian Congo to create him a new queue land, but it sucked and he never used it, despite numerous cries on the subreddit to enable the new queue land because it quote-on-quote """"looked cool""". Fix, desperate for more queue money devised an ingenius plan to win back all of those players who quit earthmc ages ago. Make an r/place for earthmc!

If you didn't know r/place was a place on popular political argument website where there was a giant white board made of pixels where you could replace an existing pixel with a color of your own once every 15 minutes. Earthmc's version of reddit's r/place, named hub2 as that is the command used to reach the region. As there are less players in earthmc, the block placement cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds.

Le Wacky Hijincks

So far, a Melonist coup has attempted to plow a giant melon road across the map, while the Pumpkinist Rebels supported by the Pissists commit racial genocide against all that feel melancholy by replacing the melon road with either Piss or Pumpkins. In other news, in the top lefthand corner there is a massive black void that nobody wants to build near because it is all knowing, and it preaches that the world will end at exactly 6:36 EST, 8/7/2020. It also seeks to swallow everything and anything and everything in it's path.

Notable People 

  • Tyce (leader of the Pumpkin Gang)

National Subdivisions

Melon Road - Main Source of Combat

Black Void - Ever expanding in top left corner

Kanye West - He is here also


hub2 has one enemy, hub1
