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Flag of Genoa.svg.png
Coat of Arms of Genoa.png
The Most Serene Republic.png
National Information
Full Name The Most Serene Republic of Genoa
Towny Name Genoa
/n list #2
Formed May 17th, 2022
National Anthem Basso di Genoa
Motto Respublica superiorem non recognoscens. (Latin) The Republic which recognizes no superior. (English)
Population 430
Chunks 6462
Towns 55
Capital City Genoa
Largest City Reinach
Oldest City Sardinia, Carthage
Region Southern Europe
Language(s) Flag of Genoa.svg.png Genoese Latin (de jure)
Englishflag.jpg English (de facto)
Religion(s) Order of the Golden Sun.png Order of the Golden Sun
Discord Discord
Government Information
Political System Oligarchic Merchant Republic
Doge KristauxSoft
Consigliere 32Andrew
Legislature Consiglio della Repubblica
Economic System Mzl.afnqvhfl.png Mercantilism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The Republic of Genoa, founded by Erwinnn and 32Andrew on may 17 2022, on the small island of Corsica, stands as the largest and most influential nation within the Italian peninsula. Renowned for its expansive territories, vast wealth, captivating architectural wonders, and strategic maritime dominance, Genoa has established itself as a prominent force within the server.



The town of Ajaccio was first created by the player adcto on May 2th 2022. It would slowly expand over the following months until then entire island of Corsica was claimed alongside an outpost on the Ligurian coast. The city fluctuated between multiple nations but was mostly part of Italy.

Arrival of Erwinnn

Erwinnn, who had recently sold the nation of Livonia arrived in Italy and bought the town on July 27th for 4.2k gold and renamed it to Genova. This move was followed by players 32Andrew, aTerraAustralis, KristauxSoft, Shark3333 and riri2010.

Initial development

Upon his acquisition of Genova, Erwinnn proceeded to join the nation of Germany in order to use the nation bonus to expand further in the Ligurian coast. A major building project was also started which involved terraforming the entire island of Corsica, it saw the creation of a palace which served as both a shopping center and the capital building.

First Expansion into Tuscany

In July, most of the north of Tuscany was still made up of wilderness with the south being owned by the town of Florence, capital of the first "Italy" nation. This area was opened up to Genova when the neighboring town of La_Spezia fell. On July 31st, despite attempts from the nation of Italy to block this, Genova claimed more than 150 chunks in the north of Tuscany while also acquiring the island of Elba. The town continued to expand in the following days until the area was split between Genova and Florence.

Situation in Tuscany after the expansion of Genova in the area (July 31st 2022)
Situation in Tuscany after the expansion of Genova in the area (July 31st 2022)

Conflict with Italy

The expansion of Genova into Tuscany was met by fierce resistance from the Italian government who wished to capitalize on the area. Diplomatic exchanges between Erwinnn and Chunk_of_Cheese, the second in command in Italy went nowhere. Thus began a one month long dispute where tensions would remain high between the two states.

Acquiring of the Nation

On August 8th, the nation of H.R.E was sold to Genova for the price of 1.5k gold by the player Meyincci, mayor of the town Erfurt. The name would quickly be changed to Genoa, which marked the start of the nation's history.

First Towns

Genoa began expanding in North Africa and South Italy in August with the creation of the town of Tabarca by aTerraAustralis on the 10th and the town of Napoli created by KristauxSoft on the 16th.

Conflict with Apulia

The Genoese arrival in South Italy was contested by the nation of Apulia which owned the majority of the area at the time and was led by the player Parfi. Actions where taken by the Apulian state to contain the expansion of Napoli, ultimately surrounding the 88 chunks town entirely on October 1st.

The town of Napoli, surrounded by multiple Apulian towns.
The town of Napoli, surrounded by multiple Apulian towns.

The End of Italy

On September 13th, the nation of Italy alongside the capital of Florence was sold to Genoa by Argues. The new mayor of Florence was the player Omereise while the nation of Italy was put for sale. Italy was then sold to Apulia (which had been renamed to Naples in the meanwhile), proceeded to buy the nation and promptly renamed itself to Italy.

Government & Politics

Genoese Law

Doge Elections

Doge Elections

Doge's Government

Incumbent Government

4th Government of Genoa
Position Holder Term
Doge Doge KristauxSoft di Buonaparte 5th May 2024 - Incumbent
Consigliere VACANT -
Minister of Foreign Affairs VACANT -
Minister of Treasury & Commerce VACANT -
Capitano del Popolo Senator Bearlilegal Imperali 14th September 2023 - Incumbent

Previous Governments

3th Government of Genoa
Position Holder Term
Doge Doge Sepl3333 di Spinola 6th March 2024 - 5th May 2024
Consigliere Consigliere Erwinnn Doria 6th March 2024 - 5th May 2024
Minister of Foreign Affairs Consul KristauxSoft di Buonaparte 6th March 2024 - 5th May 2024
Minister of Treasury & Commerce Consul 32Andrew Doria 6th March 2024 - 5th May 2024
Minister of Interior Consul aTerraAustralis di Fieschi 6th March 2024 - 5th May 2024
Capitano del Popolo Senator Bearlilegal Imperali 14th September 2023 - Incumbent
2rd Government of Genoa
Position Holder Term
Doge Doge KristauxSoft di Buonaparte 4th January 2024 - 6th March 2024
Consigliere Consigliere Erwinnn Doria 4th January 2024 - 6th March 2024
Minister of Foreign Affairs Consul 32Andrew Doria 4th January 2024 - 6th March 2024
Minister of Treasury & Commerce Senator Sevenplan Doria 4th January 2024 - 6th March 2024
Minister of Interior Senator Sepl3333 di Spinola 4th January 2024 - 6th March 2024
Capitano del Popolo Senator Bearlilegal Imperali 14th September 2023 - Incumbent
1st Government of Genoa
Position Holder Term
Doge Doge 32Andrew Doria 10th September 2023 - 4th January 2024
Consigliere Consigliere Erwinnn Doria 14th September 2023 - 4th January 2024
Minister of Foreign Affairs Consul aTerraAustralis di Fieschi 14th September 2023 - 4th January 2024
Minister of Treasury & Commerce Consul KristauxSoft di Buonaparte 14th September 2023 - 4th January 2024
Minister of Interior Senator PawluC di Medici 14th September 2023 - 4th January 2024
Capitano del Popolo Senator Bearlilegal Imperali 14th September 2023 - Incumbent
Pre-Constitution Government
Pre-Constitution Government of Genoa

At Time of Constitution's Implementation

Position Holder Term Ended Notes
Doge Doge Erwinnn Doria 10th September 2024 Reverted to the Rank of Councillor
Consigliere Consigliere KristauxSoft di Buonaparte 10th September 2024 Reverted to the Rank of Councillor
Councillor Consul 32Andrew Doria N/A Maintained rank of Councillor
Councillor Consul aTerraAustralis di Fieschi N/A Maintained rank of Councillor
Councillor Consul riri2010 10th September 2024 Was Removed from Government for lack of Nobility
Councillor Consul Sepl3333 di Spinola 10th September 2024 Was Demoted to Senator
Councillor Consul Shark3333 10th September 2024 Was Removed from Government for lack of Nobility

Council of Elders & Senate

Incumbent Councillors
Councillor Date of Ascension Note
Consul 32Andrew Doria Pre Constitution Ex-Doge
Consul aTerraAustralis di Fieschi Pre Constitution Contatore
Consul Erwinnn Doria Pre Constitution Founder of Genoa, Ex-Doge
Doge KristauxSoft di Buonaparte Pre Constitution Ex-Doge
Consul Sepl3333 di Spinola 26th January 2024 Ex-Doge
Incumbent Senators
Senator Date of Ascension Note
Consul 32Andrew Doria Pre Constitution Councillor, Ex-Doge
Consul aTerraAustralis di Fieschi Pre Constitution Councillor, Contatore
Senator Bearlilegal Pre Constitution
Consul Erwinnn Doria Pre Constitution Councillor, Founder of Genoa, Ex-Doge
Senator gat_moment Embriaco 6th April 2024
Doge KristauxSoft di Buonaparte Pre Constitution Councillor, Doge
Senator Magredon Delfin Pre Constitution
Senator PawluC di Medici Pre Constitution
Senator Pungle_ di Fieschi 9th May 2024
Consul Sepl3333 di Spinola Pre Constitution Later Ascended to Councillor, Ex-Doge
Senator Sevenplan Doria Pre Constitution
Senator Shark3333 di Buonaparte 29th February 2024
Senator stvnder di Buonaparte 29th February 2024
Senator Tallo_01 di Medici 11th November 2023



Genoa is spread across the Mediterranean Region, spreading from Central Spain to Cyprus. For the purposes of organisation, Genoa is often split up into regions, although these have no basis in Genoese law or impact its governance at all. Not all towns fall within a traditionally grouped together region.


Oldest Town: Sardinia

Largest Town (Chunks): Genoa

Largest Town (Population): Genoa

Italy holds the core of Genoese territory, and the capital itself, Genoa. It is the region Genoa has held a presence in for the longest time, being the site of the nation's founding. It is often further subdivided up into Tuscany, Corsica, Sardinia and South Italy. It is home to the powerbase of Genoa, with many nobles and Senators calling Italian towns home, with three Councillors calling the territory home.

The Alps

Oldest Town: Monza

Largest Town (Chunks): Reinach

Largest Town (Population): Reinach

Located just north of core territories in Italy, and first inhabited with the acquisition of Monza. The creation of Reinach by Senator Stvnder di Buonaparte saw a rapid growth of Genoa's presence in the territory, with it coming to host the most populous and largest town in Genoa. It is often subdivided further up into the regions of Lombardy and Alps. It is home to several notable nobles.

North Africa

Oldest Town: Carthage

Largest Town (Chunks): Carthage

Largest Town (Population): Carthage

The second territory Genoa ever ventured into, with the town of Tabarca, North Africa has held a permanent Genoese presence since August 2023. It is often further subdivided into Tunisia, Algeria & Libya. While originally sparsely populated by Genoese settlers, parts of North Africa, in particular Tunisia, have come to be dominated by a Genoese presence. It is home to several notable nobles.

Eastern Mediterranean

Oldest Town: Northern_Cyprus

Largest Town (Chunks): Northern_Cyprus

Largest Town (Population): Northern_Cyprus

Compromised entirely of Islands in the Eastern Mediterranean and Aegean sea, the territory is sparsely populated and was first settled with the acquisition of the island of Rhodes. The territory's size has historically fluctuated significantly, due to the instability in Turkey and Turkish towns seeking refuge within Genoa, but no longer holds any land on the mainland of Asia or Africa. Thanks to its island nature, the territory is often split up into its respective islands.


Oldest Town: Segovia

Largest Town (Chunks): Segovia

Largest Town (Population): Alicante

The Genoese presence in Spain has varied wildly historically, with the nation often holding no territory in the region. Following the collapse of Spain at the advent of overclaim, Genoa began to take cautious steps into the region with the founding of towns like Alicante on its Eastern Coast.


Oldest Town: Pristina

Largest Town (Chunks): Hungary

Largest Town (Population): Budapest

Genoese holdings in the Balkans span the region, from the dalmatian coast deep into Hungary, with Genoa having a significant presence in the region. Due to its nature, the region is often further subdivided up into its constitution countries, such as Hungary and Croatia.


The Genoese realm contains 51 towns as of 4th of May.

Picture Flag Name Mayor Population Size Founded Region
Genoa.png Flag of Genoa.svg.png Genoa Star.png 32Andrew 51 713 2022-05-02 Tuscany, Corsica
Monza.png Monza flag.png Monza Sepl3333 26 230 2022-05-25 Lombardy
Flag of Naples.svg.png Naples Tallo_01 23 227 2022-05-19 South Italy
Flag of Sardinia.svg.png Sardinia Erwinnn 15 275 2022-05-01 Sardinia
Lecce.png Flag of the Province of Lecce.svg.png Lecce sevenplan 5 159 2022-05-15 South Italy
Flag of the province of Reggio Calabria.svg.png Calabria gat_moment 8 226 2022-08-13 South Italy
Napoli.png Bari lalopopop 11 200 2022-08-16 South Italy
Histria.png Histria Bearlilegal 8 197 2023-06-17 Tunisia
Carthage screenshot.png Carthage.png Carthage Pungle_ 26 324 2022-05-01 Tunisia
Tabarca.png Tabarca aTerraAustralis 12 242 2022-08-10 Tunisia
Amalfi flag.png Amalfi Shark3333 3 120 2022-08-30 South Italy
Reinach stund3R_ 116 847 2024-02-04 Alps
St_Sinburg PuffyFlakes77 1 9 2023-11-22 Tripolitania
Algiers Flag EMC.jpg Algiers Bluewhalergamer 4 104 2022-08-28 Algeria
Sfax.png Sfax riri2010 4 108 2023-09-09 Tunisia
Flag of Rhodes Island.jpg Rodos 0yule 1 34 2023-06-22 Rodos
Carbonia Sleedyak 1 96 2023-12-20 Sardinia
Flag of Turin.svg.png Turin Woiso 1 71 2023-10-20 Lombardy
Matera FatihAr 1 88 2022-05-23 South Italy
Davos GlassPingo 1 3 2024-01-05 Alps
TripoliFlagNew.webp Tripoli Chancellor_Stat 2 80 2024-01-30 Tripolitania
Northern_Cyprus MrChanted 9 144 2022-05-05 Cyprus
Linares wierdz_ 1 6 2024-03-24 Spain
Roros Gunterlaunch13 1 122 2024-01-14 Serbia
Tunis AberdeenFan 1 7 2024-03-28 Algeria
Segovia BigCojonesGaming 3 131 2023-12-29 Spain
Buda beamerfan 2 112 2024-03-09 Hungary
Earth mc alicante.png Alicante Keep_Dream 17 50 2024-03-20 Spain
Budapest flag.png Budapest Libor2 19 116 2024-03-02 Hungary
Hungary GartenTek 1 160 2024-03-09 Hungary
Crete FIERVILLE15 2 79 2024-01-10 Crete
Cartagena PawluC 2 118 2024-03-24 Spain
Skovde TrustedGamers226 3 37 2024-01-13 Sweden
Sirte Osk1rrr 1 28 2024-03-12 Tripolitania
Montecristo hrhlulu 2 9 2024-04-20 Montecristo
Drvar Ravocy1 1 82 2024-01-27 Croatia
Szentendre __h00d__ 1 10 2024-03-15 Hungary
Blueville dennusfan 4 8 2024-03-26 Adriatic
Aix qatssd 1 96 2022-09-22 France
Parque KezPlays 1 26 2024-03-28 Spain
Szeged blazeon1234 1 13 2024-03-09 Hungary
Blacktea MrWontX 1 3 2024-03-01 Spain
Montpellier XLNuggets 6 151 2023-09-20 France
Hunayn Oprilix 3 17 2024-04-28 Algeria
Isla_De_Rosas _pufl 2 25 2023-11-25 Western Mediterranean
Centropolis pazzazzo 3 96 2024-04-14 Algeria
Zagreb Fruvi 6 136 2024-04-05 Croatia
Hungarian_Empire kylefish12 1 12 2024-04-27 Hungary
Taborenta bqpb 6 22 2024-04-29 Algeria
Pristina Delroz 6 22 2022-06-14 Serbia