GRE-Turkey War

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GRE-Turkey War
Part of GRE-Turkish Conflict
Flags of Byzantium and Turkey
Date 17 July 2019 - 24 November 2019 (4 Months and 7 Days)
Location Anatolia
Result Both Nations Merged and created SPQR
Byzantium and Turkey Merges
Flag of Byzantine.pngByzantium
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: /usr/bin/convert: No such file or directory Error code: 127
Commanders and leaders
Flag of Byzantine.pngCorruptedGreed
Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: line 1: /usr/bin/convert: No such file or directory Error code: 127
Unknown Unknown
Casualties and losses
Unknown Unknown
Part of a series on the
History of
Independent Nation (2019–2020)
GRE-Turkish Conflict 2019
GRE-Turkey War 2019
Merged With Byzantium (2020-Ongoing)
Creation of SPQR 2020
Turkish Rebellion 2020

The GRE-Turkey War is a conflict between Byzantium and Turkey involving disputes over land claims.

Pre-War Events


CorruptedGreed declares war on Turkey

In July 17 Leader of Byzantium, CorruptedGreed declared war on Turkey.


In July 17 GRE attacked a Turkish town. Niger came to backup Turkey, resulting in a GRE loss with 0 Turkish deaths and 7 GRE deaths

In July 18 Egypt declared war on Byzantium

In July 19 A battle took place in Theodoro in which the GRE drove away 2 Turkish soldiers

Some please add July 20-December 18

In December 19 Turkey kicked most of its town and Byzantium was renamed to SPQR.

In December 23 Turkey and GRE announced a ceasefire and the merging of Turkey and Byzantium officially announced

In December 24 The war officially ended


Turkey and Byzantium merged into a new nation called "SPQR". SPQR became the capital province of the GRE and all Turkish citizens and mayors were granted Roman Citizen and Senatorship. Turkey's capital, Ankara, could still be teleported to via /n spawn Turkey.


Merging of Byzantium and Turkey is a highly criticized event. Players that were against the merging fled to other nations. In Late June Republic Of Turkey declared independent and fought with SPQR. The war was a SPQR victory but there are still many players who want an independent Turkey.

Some info has been taken from EarthMC Live