Paladia, also known as the Paldian Federation, is a town in Woodland Cree, the second most populated, whose mayor is ND2013. Paladia is ran in a bizarre version of communism, with ND2013 and demirdt as rulers of the town.
Paladia The religion of the town is Water Piggism and the town has created a secondary currency, Padas, as well as using gold. The Towns "Townational Anthem" Can be found at the spawn called Le Zukuzeke Paladize (The Song of Paladia in Paladian). Fun Fact: The Tri Color (Green White Orange) Represent the African Unity Paladia is a Ally of Avalon all together and Pee Pee Island its the first prototype (That is still in the file of ND) can be found in the GMFP discord. Paladia is also said to Revive Water Piggism. Paladias citizens collect slave animals from Minnesota and the ruins of old towns most slave animals are used to make money and somehow labor.
Paladia is a Cummunist State. and they put the "pee pees" all over there borders to protect them from midnight hunters, assasinators, and Griefers Plus Scammers. The only other Town in the Paladian Federation is Morich, Paladia follows three ideologies at one time Cumminist Manifesto Piggist Cummunism and Socialism