Cape Verde

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Cape Verde is a town on the Terra Aurora map, located on the archipelago and island country of the same name in the real world. It is run by veteran player GymSock17. Its location far off the African coast leaves the town fairly isolated, but it a popular stop amongst travelers who are crossing the Atlantic in the area as the town's borders can provide protection in an otherwise largely unclaimed area.


Looking for somewhere to found a town, GymSock17 purchased Premium and joined the Terra Aurora map opening day on the 1st of May 2022. After waiting for hours and repeated map crashes, Gym was able to get on and walked through Mongolia and into the Gobi Desert, when he received an invite to Germany by his long-time friend from the real world, YellowVictini. Yellow wanted Gym to stay in Germany with him and start a town together in East Prussia, but Gym was tired of the peasants and detritus that infected Europe on Terra Nova and expected it wouldn't take long for the same thing to happen again on the new map, so he sailed out from the Baltic Sea, through the Straits of Denmark, North Sea, and the English Channel into the Pacific. From there, he sailed to the Canary Islands, intending to start a town on Grand Canary. However, it was getting late, and Gym had to log off for the day to go to work. When he came back the next day, some fool had already placed a claim on the island (this fool would later lose it for not logging back in on time like an idiot). Gym decided that even the Canary Islands were too big of a target and too massive to claim for his own, and decided to sail south, to the southernmost archipelago of Macronesia, the Cape Verde Islands.

After arriving and setting up a hidden base camp, Gym got off once again for the day. The next morning, Gym got on and finally scrapped together enough gold and founded his town, which he simply named Cape Verde. Immediately, Gym got to work on building infrastructure and expanding the town's claims to the rest of the island of Santiago, the largest island in the archipelago.


Cape Verde exists on an archipelago of islands, home to various structures and purposes.

Isle of Brave & Dry Islets

The Isle of Brave currently has no structures on the island, nor do the tiny Dry Islets to the north of the island.

Isle of Fire

The Isle of Fire is a volcanic island. It home to the Volcanic Mine, the main mining facility for the archipelago. To the east of the island, the Cape Verde Arena is currently under construction. The 16-chunk stadium will be capable of hosting various PvP events, has working redstone gates, a glass roof for natural lighting, and redstone lights that toggle on and off in accordance with the time of day. Scorchbound's Stronghold is located underneath the island, built out of a hollowed-out base discovered there by GymSock17 in November 2022, whose original creator is unknown.


Santiago is the main island of Cape Verde. The island is home to the town's spawn, hosts a visitor center, a terrace farm, GymSock17's house, Santiago Square, HawtDawg__'s Tower, the former Santiago Mine, and two piers, one on the north end of the island and the other on the south.

May Island

May Island houses the May Island Facility, which is home to various farm animals. It also has a glowberry vineyard.


Salt Island

Saint Nicholas

Saint Lucy

Saint Vincent

Saint Anthony


The primary economic activity on Cape Verde is farming, fishing and tourism.


The main island in the archipelago, Santiago, is home to a terrace farm which is used to grow sugarcane, wheat and potatoes. There is also an underwater dome next to the island connected to GymSock17's house that grows beets.


Being surrounded by ocean, fishing naturally became a cornerstone of the Cape Verdian economy.


The island's presence of providing protected claim areas that can act as a rest stop for players travelling across the Atlantic. The island of Goodview (Boa Vista) is home to a dedicated rest stop for players to use as shelter should they ever need it.