Aurora:New Caledonia

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New Caledonia
Town Information
Nation Pilbara
Population 4
Area 148 chunks
Coordinates 30360,3784
Continent Oceania
Economic System
Official Language Englishflag.jpg English (by de facto)
Official Religion None, Catholicism (Formerly)
Motto Remote and Remarkable
Government Information
Political System
Mayor Tinkered face.png Tinkered_
Historical Information
Established May 9, 2024 (current incarnation)
Past Nations New Caledonia (as Noumea), Zealandia (as Mater Dei)
Past Mayors
Past Councillors

New Caledonia, formerly known as Noumea and Mater Dei, is an island town that is a part of the nation and empire of Pilbara. Currently, it hosts 4 residents, alongside 148 claimed chunks. Despite having a low population compared to other settlements in Pilbara, it is the third largest town by chunks in the nation, coming behind Adelaide in second, and the nation's capital of Onslow Bay in first. However, it is the fourth largest in the empire itself, with the Gippsland capital of Bairnsdale taking second place and moving Adelaide down along with New Caledonia.


New Caledonia was first established on May 9th, 2024, where it was known as Noumea and was under the nation of New Caledonia. After the nation of New Caledonia was sold to Ianspace71 and became the Solomon Republic, the town itself was bought by the newly formed Havaikian breakaway state of Zealandia, where the government gifted it to resident Pope_LeoXIII with Pope_Leo converting it into a catholic town, bearing the new name of Mater Dei. After the dissolution of Zealandia due to internal conflicts caused from poor government decision making during the second Zealandian-Havaikian war resulted in Pope_Leo going inactive and eventually getting purged after 42 days, Tinkered_, founder and former mayor of Pilbaran towns such as Mesatown, Tatam, and New Kraftier, bought it from an unknown person who had first obtained it from the current holder after Pope_Leo was purged, arrowkiddie. From here, the town was renamed to the name "New Caledonia" and joined Pilbara, where it is currently being further expanded upon after previous neglect from Pope_Leo caused little development.