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National Information
Full Name Republic of Havaiki
Towny Name
/n list
Formed February 15th 2024
National Anthem
Population 119 (As of September 2, 2024)
Towns 19
Capital City Havaiki City
Largest City Burnham
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System Unitary constitutional presidential republic
Supremes Zqben, Joereg
Consul FoxClient
Legislature Senate
Economic System
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The Republic of Havaiki is a sovereign republic located within IRL New Zealand. Its population is around 119, consisting of 19 towns spread across New Zealand. It is a unitary constitutional republic, lead by 2 founding members known as "Supremes", an elected Consul, a legislative upper chamber known as the Senate, and a lower chamber known as the Popular Assembly.




Early History

Havaiki was founded on Feb. 15th of 2024. The founding members of Havaiki got straight to work developing their capital and crafting a refined government for the fast emerging democracy to use. Havaiki specifically made it their point to gather a series of allies right upon founding.

Cascadian Summit

On April 7th of 2024, Havaiki got together with their oldest ally, Cascadia for a dual summit. The summit consisted of speeches from both nations and guided tours in both Cascadia and Havaiki. Both nation's citizens were encouraged to participate to make the night memorable.


Havaiki was a major actor in the Havaiki - Zealandia Wars. The first war began when Port Jason, a Havaikian town, succeeded from the nation citing a lack of activity and disputes between multiple Havaikian residents. Several other towns would follow Port Jason in succeeding, leading to the formation of Zealandia. The war was marked by international involvment. Havaiki would recieve help from Pilbara, Cascadia, and Laurentia. While Zealandia received support from Dian and several mercenaries, who would sit outside of the Havaikian capital attempting to bait players into wilderness. The war would however ended in a stalemate, with both sides recognizing each others independence and claims.

The Second Zealandian War would begin on July 23, 2024 after Havaikian soldier thattreething14 begun a rampage of killing Zealandian residents. This resulted in a declaration of war by Zealandia's King, Baconmayonaise1. Although Zealandia gained some early victories, namely overclaiming roughly half of the then Havaikian capital of Atua and causing them to move their capital back to Havaiki City, the Havaikians were able to strike back and were able to convince several Zealandian towns join them. In early August, Baconmayonaise1 would quit the server and hand the nation over to mooseguy65, who disbanded Zealandia and joined Havaiki.

Although the wars were over, many in Port Jason still held animosity towards Havaiki. Mooseguy65 would leave Havaiki and join Nubia, and hand the town over to a player named jomples. Jomples would leave Havaiki, and then delete Port Jason, which was then heavily looted.


The Republic of Havaiki's government consists of 2 Supremes, 1 consul, an Upper Chamber known as the Senate and a Lower Chamber known as the Popular Assembly. The Supremes comprise the founding members of the nation and hold executive power. The consul also holds also executive power equal to that of the Supremes and are democratically elected each month by the citizens. The consul are additionally tasked with selecting secretaries to lead various departments. The government also has a Senate and Popular Assembly. The Popular Assembly comprises of all citizens, while the upper chamber has 4 seats corresponding to the 4 states of the nation, elected democratically by citizens of the corresponding state.

There also exists a type of Executive Order known as the Supreme Law. A Supreme Law can only be passed via the approval of 2 out of 3 Supremes. This measure is however not often used, with it only being used for emergencies and tie breakers on legislation in the Senate.

Elections are held each month to elect the said Consuls and Senators.


Havaiki is a member state of the alliance known as the Organization of Free Nations and has individual alliances with Pilbara and Cascadia. Additionally, they are a signing member of a mutual defense treaty known as the Freedom Compact. They also hold non-aggression pacts with Australia and the United Front, insuring the safety of all nations involved.


Below is a list of the 19 towns which comprise Havaiki. Groups of towns are grouped together into States, which are used to elect Senators.

Havaiki State

  • Havaiki City (Capital), Mayor: Zqben
  • Whakatane, Mayor: FoxClient
  • Napier, Mayor: Joonabu333
  • Atua (old capital, mostly ruined during the Zealandian Wars), Mayor: FewerReaper1

Havingston State

  • Havingston, Mayor: thestriderr
  • Destiny Bay, Mayor: Xborgcool
  • New Plymouth, Mayor: APFlood
  • Kurdistan, Mayor: Amonyak_Alemdar

Burnham State

  • Burnham, Mayor: IronicDays
  • Port Auiki, Mayor: SlimDude
  • Pig City, Mayor: MidGryphon61109
  • Fort Junta, Mayor: _LegendaryOtter
  • Christchurch, Mayor: Swegbanta447

Rakiura State

  • Rakiura, Mayor: _Calamity
  • Squishivia, Mayor: foehawked
  • Gylieville, Mayor: vibing_gummy_
  • Dunedin, Mayor: Auldgreg
  • West Cape, Mayor: roddsteel18
  • East Buren, Mayor: Da_Goat

National Symbol

Havaiki's national symbol is the Koru (the yellow swirl pictured in their flag).

Future Plans

Havaiki hopes to farther strengthen their foreign relations, expand their democracy and continue to stabilize their internal affairs. Liberty through Unity