List of Nation Demonyms

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A demonym is a word that identifies residents or natives of a particular place and is usually derived from the name of the place. - Wikipedia

Name Capital Continent Short Demonym Demonym
German Empire Neu Berlin Europe German German
Rhine Confederation Bonne Europe Rhiner German
Britain London Europe Briton British
Germany Ulm Europe German German
Ming Yingtianfu Asia Minger Chinese
Spain Oropesa Europe Spaniard Spanish
Argentina + Chile Buenos Aires South America Platan La Platan
KAPSK Mossow Antarctica (KAPSK-)Antarctican (KAPSK-)Antarctic
Svalbard Longyearbyen Europe Svalbardic Sval
Nubia El Obeid Africa and Asia Nubian Nubian
Zambie Moba Africa Zambien Zambien
Madagascar Sainte_Marie Africa Malagasy Madagascan