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NOTE: This page is still in editing. Please do not make any unnecessary actions regarding removing this page at this stage.

Coat of Arms
Coat of Arms Yukon.png
National Information
Full Name The Yukon Realm
Towny Name Yukon
/n list #10
Formed Date of creation
National Anthem
Motto Larger than life
Population 182 (As of 9th October 2023)
Chunks 944
Towns 8
Capital City Teslin
Largest City Teslin
Oldest City Teslin
Region Central and Southwest Alaska
Language(s) Englishflag.jpg English
Religion(s) Unknown
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Queen Tuzzzie
Prime Minister Boomshackalocka
Constitution Linked under Constitution section
Economic System Gold Icon.png Capitalism
Provinces Unknown
Army Size Unknown
Part of
Historical Information

Yukon, officially The Yukon Realm, is a sovereign nation on the Terra Aurora server of EarthMC. Comprising much of the Yukon Territory in Canada, along with Central and Southern Alaska. Yukon is the largest nation within this region, which includes the countries NC, British Columbia, Alaska, Far North, Northern Alaska, Bering and Kuskokwim Mountains. It is the tenth largest nation in all of EarthMC Terra Aurora by population. Its landscape is characterised by rugged snowy mountains, with spruce forests, and the well-known Yukon River. Formed on the 14th of August 2022, by player Tuzzzie, where Teslin was the first town to join the nation, becoming the nation's capital. The nation is governed by the Queen herself, along with elected Prime Minister Boomshackalocka. Along with Tuzzzie, player Mopugose was also a founding partner of the nation, and currently serves as the Chancellor of Yukon. It is governed by a Constitutional Monarchy, which both consists of having a Prime Minister, and a King or Queen.


This section is NOT optional, as it will end up being the bulk of your article. It is however lenient and not much has to be written, as long as it has some subdivisions. Subdividing should be done in longer, broader time periods, and then smaller specific ones. How long or short you want each period to be is totally up to you. At first, using only one subdivision if fine, but unlike player articles nations tend to have a lot of history so it's required to eventually add more. If you have trouble making more subdivisions or writing about the history of the town contact a mod.

Subdividing has always been really inconsistent so this is not final, but it's better to use headings as intended. So for example:

Have a Sub-heading 1 as the first one in a group 

And Sub-heading 2 for specifics 

Italicizing or bolding the first group makes it a lot easier to see in different to the smaller ones so its recommended.

I would not recommend subheading 3 because it looks tiny and makes things weird

otherwise, feel free to write whatever history you want here

Heres an example:

Early History 


After extensive talks with EchoOcelot Paperpikmin established a new German state in order to recreate the German nation. Initially, success was seen, with a new town established and Berlin regained. This slowed as Paperpikmin became incredibly busy off the server. Nonetheless, as November arrived the nation saw continued legitimacy and growth, however, it is slow due to the major towns of Leipzig and Hamburg proving an enormous obstacle. Many new alliances were quickly established, and diplomatic talks were made initially.


As you can see, it looks relatively neat when there is enough text in each subdivision, so this is the recommended route to take.


Yukon is governed as a Constitutional Monarchy, where the monarch (the Queen) shares power with the constitutional government (the Prime Minister). It was previously solely ran by the Queen herself, but have had its first elected Prime Minister in September of 2023. Tuzzzie has been named Queen of Yukon since the birthday of the nation itself. The terms for serving government officials lasts one month, with elections re-opening each following month on the first of each month, with the voting period lasting 24 hours. Voting in Yukon is non-compulsory, as elections are hosted on the nation's Discord, where not every player has access to. As of October 2023, the current elected players to represent the Government of Yukon are listed below.

  • Prime Minister - Boomshackalocka
  • Minister of Rectruitment - Mopugose
  • Minister of Finance - ArtlexSSBM
  • Minister of Infrastructure - BomboTheWise
  • Minister of Defense - Hungry_Admiral__
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs - Varis624
  • National Representatives - Goodol'Caz and BigIronOnHerHip


The link to the Yukon Constitution will be located below:


Additionally, it's important to write about the military, whether there is one or not. Like government, this can be very simple or very complicated at your discretion. If a nation only uses militia, feel free to just write that or detail them. If a nation has no military whatsoever and refuses to ever fight, that's another relevant point and should be discussed in the tab.


This can also be named Architecture/World wonders/whatever. This will be required for new wiki pages on nations in addition to town pages, but nations can obviously use buildings from any member town or any "territory" it owns. Natural wonders are perfectly fine as well.

Notable People

As the records of past players come to light, here are some notable names which contributed to the creation, development and success to the nation of Yukon. This list does not encapsulate every notable name who played a pivotal role in the development of the nation, due to being lost in time, but these are some notable names which have made contributions to the forwarding development of Yukon:

  • Tuzzzie - Queen of Yukon, founding partner.
  • Mopugose - Founding partner of Yukon.
  • Boomshackalocka - Prime Minister of Yukon, mayor of The Valley.
  • OldJungle337277 - Mayor of Kenny Lake.
  • GoodolCaz - Mayor of Denali, Representative in Yukon Government.

NOTE: If you believe you should be included in this list, please add yourself and a brief description. This will be moderated periodically.

National Subdivisions

The nation of Yukon can be generally subdivided into four main subdivisions, Kluane, Wood Buffalo, Denali and Kenai. These names are unofficial, and are used to divide the nation into individual regional provinces.


Kluane is the largest province my area, home to the capital city, Teslin, along with other nearby towns such as Kruzof and Femboy Captial. The region is named after the real-life region of Kluane located in the same area.

Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo is the northernmost province, encapsulating the entirety of Yukon's border to the Arctic Ocean. It is characterised by the icy shorelines, and home to three towns, Arctic Yukon, Oxeye bay and Aklavik. With a population of seven residents, it is the least-populated province of the four.


Denali is the smallest province by area, only encompassing the town of Denali, with a population of 12. It lies in the centre of Alaska and is named after not only the town of Denali, but the real-life location of Denali National Park and Mount Denali, which are in the same region. This part of Yukon has little functioning networking system, with an unused ice highway travelling between Fairbanks, Alaska and the town of Denali itself. There are plans to revitalise the highway, by connecting it to Kenai Province, but no plan set in stone has yet to be announced.


Kenai is the second-largest province by population and area, which is home to the cities of The Valley and Kenny Lake. These two cities share a lot of similarities in its city landscape, spread-out nature and architectural taste, with homes often characterised by spruce wood and deepslate structures. The Valley is the older town of the two, with Kenny Lake forming only in late September of 2023.

Other Recommended Headings

The following are not required but it's recommended to have at least something extra for your town page. Most are applicable to most nations.

  • Political Affiliation
  • Political Parties
  • Politics
  • Economics (This may be made required depending on it's role in terra nova)
  • Diplomacy (highly, highly, highly recommended)
  • Maps
  • Pictures
  • Culture
  • Navy (gl making this work though lol)
  • Anything else that isn't ridiculous and can with reason fit into the wiki