Template:A1iMwanza is a uprising town located on the east coast of Lake Victoria in Africa and belongs to the nation of Nubia founded by alicemf.
Plans for Mwanza's founding were set in stone for alicemf very quickly after she joined the server. Though the location and plans were decided up to the date it was going to be made on, the creation of the town ended up being cut short and was way faster than originally planned.
Reasoning simply being alicemf had to leave her former town pretty much immediately and creating a town was her way of getting out.
Her and her friend and at the time~ co-mayor LuftRust quickly moved their stuff into new Mwanza and started their mayoral journey.

Not so sweet beginnings...
Claim trouble~
Alicemf being the bad luck magnet she is obviously had that omen follow her to her newly created town. With the hasty creation of Mwanza she accidentally claimed her first chunks way out of reach for the nation she was trying to join, Nubia. Mwanza temporarily joined the nearby nation of Katanga as to not remain nationless. After a week of gathering gold Mwanza finally claimed up to move into Nubia's reach.
Mwanza's aesthetic identity crisis~
With the very random claims of Mwanza alicemf was struggling for a while to figure out how to replan the layout of the town. Her first builds were no longer fitting for the length of the town and a new spawn had to be created. alicemf finally decided on a plan and started claiming up the chunks to make it happen. with doing this she abandoned her originally decided jungle village theme and took on something more in her building ability range ~ glamorous and bright.
Loss of our Co-Mayor
Mwanza, with Alicemf's constant unmentioned uprising problems and lack of acceptance of help from LuftRust running the town, he was unintentionally left out of the towns progress reports making him uninformed and basically in the town doing nothing. With this came boredom making him quit EMC due to lack of purpose, leaving mwanza in the sole care of alicemf pretty early on.