Republic Of Turkey

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Revision as of 07:07, 20 January 2021 by >Dalektv
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Republic Of Turkey

Turkish flag.png

Turkey coat of arms.png
National Information
Full Name Republic Of Turkey
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem İstiklal Marşı
Motto Türküm! Doğruyum! Çalışkanım! (I am Turk! I am right! I am diligent!)
Population 48
Capital City Sivas
Largest City Sivas
Oldest City Sivas
Government Information
Political System Democratic Monarc
Economic System Economy Brock so no economic system in now days
Army Size 3
Part of
Historical Information


Creation of the Repbulic!

  • Erimyz start a protest about SPQR and get help from Dalek_tv_ , Omerise and TurkishDarthJoker for the first steps.
Gold that donated

After the first towns start to leave SPQR ther077 donated

1k gold to erimzy. And the republic started to form!

The First Cabinet of the Repbulic

  • supreme command: Erimzy
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Omerise
  • Ministry of Interior: Dalek_tv_
  • ministry of economy: TBD
  • Ministry of Defense: Altine

Nation Borders

The demanded borders are lands that all the non claimd lands in anatolia.

Eras of The Republic

The republic have 3 diferant Eras. Thise are can be separable by main events.

1. Era First sparks of Republic

This is the part that before the 20 june it is the events that take place and not know by pepole

1. attempt for the republic

This is the first try that i know xd. This is the Dalek_tv_'s 1. try and this is nobody know about.

2. attempt for the republic

This is a test for the Republic this event take place 3mouth before the 2. Era. This event started by Dalek_tv_ and Altine ended after some talks with TDJ.

2. Era Re-Born of the Turks

This is the part that before the Turkish youtuber upload the emc video. This era last to 20 June to 30June

  • First Battels started in 23June
  • Ministry of Interior started spam towns all around anatolia. Surviving town is Denizli rest of the towns absorb by Ankara, Kayseri and Bursa.
  • Diplomatic ties with AE started

3. Era Republic is Rising!

This is the part that starts after the Turkish youtuber uplad the emc video. This era last to 30 of June to 3 of August

  • This is the when Turkish Republic get great amounts of turkish players to nation.
  • Nation hit /n list 1 in days and be the 2. in the list
  • First election is done.
  • Repbulic host a great power and its army size become +400pepole in mid of this era
  • More players start to play active

4. Era Breaking Point

This is the part that starts after events that TDJ's leaving Turkish Repbulic. 3 of August to present.

  • Major players start to leave in cabinet some resignations start and erimz give the nation to Altine
  • The nation start to fall a part and Altine's bad policy help the nation to die!
  • Repbulic lose 2important towns in start of the era then the 3 of the Metropol towns
  • Anti losing propoganda starts in Turkey. This propogandas main aim was stop the dissolution of the nation but it is the why nation dissolution this fast
  • 2 spy attapts done by GRE and 2 of them be successful
  • Nation get a big hit after theyer greatest pvp'er get BAN (Elektroms)
  • Altine start to stop playing the server.