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Xingu is an independent nation located in the northern part of Brazil. It currently counts with 1 town, 61 residents and +150 chunks.

The Xingu Empire
National Information
Full Name Tribes of Xingu
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Motto You all must praise the sun.
Population 55
Chunks 155
Capital City FLXingu.png Mehinaku
Largest City FLXingu.png Mehinaku
Oldest City FLXingu.png Mehinaku
Government Information
Political System Tribal Democratic Socialism
Economic System Market Socialism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information

The name comes from the real-life Xingu, which is a tribe of a few thousands of people who live in the coasts of the Xingu River, at the north of Brazil.

About the name:

Xingu in real life is a region in Brazil where native habitants has been untouched by modern society. The term also designates to Xingu's River, Xingu's people and Xingu's national cultural preservation zone.

Government Peculiarities

  1. Xingu has a democratic system where decisions are taken by all the residents (with the same power and influence) by polls in the nation discord server, the King only power's is to create polls.
  2. Every resident has the right for one plot to build his house. The propiety of a resident is respected above everything. Not even the mayor is able to change a block in a resident's plot. The only exception is if the resident has scammed other resident.
  3. The government counts with the residents colaboration in gold at the Bank, but in charge of that, every resource of the government is meant to be for everyone, but one cannot have it all, so the government trys to share the resources in a quantity that wont affect other players.


Before the nation (June 18, 2020 - August 27, 2020)

On June 17, 2020, the brazilian user Olivio90 came back to the server EarthMC. After having bad experiences on the server, he has decided to make his own town.

He made a town at the north of Brazil, called Mehinaku, the name of the native tribe that occupies the region. The town was established by Olivio90 without concerns and without any help, he also had problems with players that couldnt accept a town in the region. It was built under the ruins of a town named "Nueva Espana" which and this is why the town has preserved the historical ruins of the ancient town that once occupied the region.

The northern area of the continent was let down for a long time and the trees of the area wouldnt let people arrive near the town. Becouse of that, the city of Mehinaku was under isolation on its beginning, making the town and the region near it a safety place.

The nation of Brazil has invited Mehinaku to become part of the town, and since Mehinaku was far from other nations, Mehinaku accepted the invite. Brazil gave support to the town to grow up, but with the support, the town also fought against Brazil's political problems. The consequence of it was several raids that happened on the town, although its isolation.

Because of it, the town had to change its system for a system that shares resources with its residents, trusting on its residents and becoming a community based on colaboration, becoming a comunist town. Surprisingly, it quickly became a huge and active town due to its ideal location in the middle of South America reaching 50 residents in less than one month.

One of the characteristics of this system is the polls system: the residents could option what would be the future of the town based on what they belived. The result of one of this polls was the Xingu's Nation. Since the first week of July, the residents of Mehinaku had the plan of making a nation, and it also had a small financial help from Brazil, in order to provide a further expansion for Brazil, whose ratio didn't reach the northernmost parts of their territory. The saving of gold for the nation began at the end of July and finished on August 27, 2020.

The first steps (August 28, 2020 - present)

Xingu‎‎ was founded on Friday, August 28, 2020 at 6:40 PM UTC during a ceremony held at the Parliament Building of Mehinaku, where 8 users assisted.


On August 29, 2020, Xingu declared independence of Brazil (due to not looking to be involved in future possible wars) following a poll made to all the nation residents.

independence party.

During the party of independence, while lot of nations from all around the world sent a message recognizing the independence of Xingu, the server received a special moment: big crates were given to everyone. Becouse of it, the Parliment was fullfilled with fireworks. Because of that, the day of independence of Xingu is known as Firework Day.

Later that day, the king of Brazil, ketchoop, contacted the capital of Xingu trying to change the situation with terms for Mehinaku to come back to Brazil: a poll was then made and the result was to stay independent. According to residents from Xingu, it was due to the raids the capital has faced becouse of Brazil international problems. Nowadays, Brazil and Xingu colaborate with a term of defensive pact and plan to, one day, to be part of the same nation.