Nova:Ethiopia (May 2020)

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Ethiopia was a nation in East Africa based in Mersa. The nation was seen as a rebellion from Nubia by many, and stole many of Nubia's towns.




Gorkymoo1119, who was in Yemen's Nubia and thus the Yemen Empire, had grown a disliking towards the first Yemeni Nubian Emperor, VladimirVI, a month or so prior to this. After speaking to Raining_Oranges, VladimirVI was forced to abdicate from the Nubian throne.

However, on the 4th of May 2020, Raining_Oranges invited VladimirVI back to the Yemen Empire. Gorkymoo1119 was, to say the least, not happy about this. He complained to Raining_Oranges about this being the case. However, Raining_Oranges refused to follow through on gorkymoo1119's complaints.

The Mersan Nation

A day after this, on the 5th of May 2020, whilst in a voice chat with Raining_Oranges and VladimirVI, gorkymoo1119 performed the command '/n leave', making the town of Mersa leave Nubia. Less then a minute later, he formed the nation, to the shock of Raining_Oranges.