Ashikaga (town)

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Ashikaga was the capital of The Second Japanese Empire. It was established under FenZenyatta on the 15th May 2019. Its purpose was to be the home of the Japanese Emperor, who would live in the Imperial Palace located in Ashikaga. The town was incorporated into Tokyo in late-2019, and the palace was taken down in early 2020 in order to be rebuilt.

Once FenZenyatta resigned on the 15th June 2019, Synargle, the new emperor, took over and moved to it. He expanded the town southwards and made the Underground shopping center which still exists to this date. After his dissapearance, Yllalen owned the town until the dissolution of the second Japanese Empire. Afterwards, the town fell into the hands of Ybrk, who ended up disbanding the town in order to claim the lands with Tokyo.