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Alaska Flag.png
National Information
Full Name The Alaska Realm
Towny Name
/n list
National Anthem
Towns Fairbanks, Dawnstar, Kobuk, Qikertaq, Koyuk, Spruce, Castle_John, Fort_Nina, Ruz, AK, Questen, Nori, Shiverpool, Chignik, HappyTrees, Manifest_Destiny, Spokstad, The_Valley, Aduna, Suntrana, Seward, Talkeetna, NS, Teslin, Juneau, Polane, Finlaska, Kruzof, Little_NWT, Apple, Rainbow_Lake, Moose_Bay, HayRiver, Peace_River, Nahanni, Kanevvluk, HipnoYukonia, Arctic_Yukon, Saint_George, Mew_York, Belmiere, Arroyo, Solstice, Northern_Pines, East Anchorage, URSA, Hajonya, Nexus, Unalaska, Moscotaq, Lokeren, New-morrowind, Einsamall
Capital City Fairbanks
Largest City
Oldest City
Discord Discord
Government Information
Political System Constitutional Monarchy
Constitution Constitution
Economic System Mzl.afnqvhfl.png Capitalism
Army Size
Part of
Historical Information


Alaska is a nation located in the extreme northwest of North America. Alaska's capital, Fairbanks, is the oldest and most populous town in the nation. It has international borders with Russian_Alaska to the southwest, Kuskokwim_Mtns to the east, Yukon to the west, and Cascadia to the southwest. The nation is owned by tuzzzie and co-owned by Fruitloopins, but it was originally founded on May 18, 2022 by Malso_, uwu_dez, and other members of the nation of Alaska on Terra Nova.


The nation of Alaska is based off the real-life state in the United States of America with the same name. The real-life land of Alaska received it's name from the natives of the land in the Aleutian Islands, the Aleut. They called it "Alaxsxaq" meaning "the mainland." It can also be derived from the word "Alyeska," which means "great land" in Aleut.

Geography & Towns

Alaska’s geography is very diverse. The North is a mixture of mountains, plains, and tundras. To the North, a plethora of towns lie along the coast-line. Dawnstar is the primary town in the North, with the towns of Saint_George and NS in the northeast, and ChillVille in the northwest. Tundra plains change to dense spruce forests as we move further East. In the East, Alaska’s towns stretch all the way to the northern part of current day Alberta. The southeast geography consists of marshes and wetlands, with trees lying on the edge of the mountains. Peace_River is both Alaska’s easternmost and southernmost town, with the towns of Spruce, Hay_River, Castle_John, and Teslin also lying in the East. Southern geography consists of snowy mountains along the coast, present day Kodiak Island, and the flat and rocky Aleutian Islands.In the South, the towns of Seward and The_Valley lie right below our capital; Qikertaq is the town that lies on present day Kodiak Island, while Chignik lies along the Aleutian Islands. The west is an extreme mountainous region that is a mixture of spruce taiga and snowy mountains. In the West, the EMC Alaskan towns stop just after the Bering Strait, with the town of Ruz being the westernmost territory. On present day Nunivak Island, the town of Shiverpool is established, and on present day Saint Lawrence island, the town of AK is established. On the coast of Alaska is the fishing capital of the west, Koyuk, and further inland are the towns of HappyTrees and Kobuk. In the center of Alaska lies the capital, Fairbanks, which consists of over 1000 chunks and serves as the central hub for all Alaskan trade.



Malso_, the leader of Alaska on Terra Nova, had wanted to reestablish his nation on aurora. Malso_ and some citizens of the old Alaska planned out the nation. On the first day of public access of Aurora, May 13th, 2022, Malso and his citizens from Terra Nova set out towards Alaska from Los Angeles, California. While Malso_ was waiting in the queue, uwu_dez, one of the members of the mission, mined so that by the time Malso_ arrived, the town could be made. They established Fairbanks, based off the real life town in the same region. They chose the town as it was a central point in the Alaskan land. Over the following six days, deZ did the majority of mining for the nation. When deZ had collected all the gold, Malso_ gave him the rights to make Alaska, and he served as the Chancellor.

The uwu_deZ Era

After the nation was created, deZ was not very popular. Many nation members were against him. There were multiple citizens who claimed deZ had stolen their possessions. There were also other conflicts internally at the time. The Alaskan towns of Kodiak and New Kodiak had multiple skirmishes. The members of Kodiak moved to Petersburg, Alaska, and then to what would become the nation of Tanzania. Many members left the nation and some quit EarthMC entirely. In the meanwhile, Malso was still active and worked on alliances such as the Alaskan Union and the USA. Malso was still popular, with the citizens desiring for him to become to the leader as initially planned. Due to a misunderstanding with the nation of Spain, the Alaskan Union declared war upon them. However, it was quickly sorted out, and was resolved six hours after being declared. The nation suffered due to deZ's inactivity for a period. Due to deZ's inactivity, Malso reacquired the nation on August 11th, 2022.

The Malso_ Era

Malso wanted a more democratic government, establishing a Prime Minister election. KalebTheTurtl, the mayor of the town of Yukon, was victorious in the election on August 28th, 2022. Around this time, Bering_Sea, an AU member, joined Alaska directly, making it a meganation. On the 24th of October, the nation joined the League of Nations, and new international alliance. A day later, Aleutians_East, the other AU member, also joined Alaska. With the new addition, the Federation of Alaska was rechristened to Imperial Alaska. As all the AU members had joined Alaska, the alliance folded. The next day, the newly established nation of Russian_Alaska had shown interest in joining the AU. It was re-established only one day after folding. After the next election cycle, KalebTheTurtl was re-elected as the Prime Minister. In that election cycle, more roles were added, such as a cabinet and district elections. This eventually led to the ratification of the Alaskan Constitution. In the following weeks, Far North, a new nation in Alaska, joined the nation. Around this time, Oregon began(Aurora)lks with the nation. Alaska ratified the nation joining Alaska, but Oregon withdrew right before they were to accept. At this point, Alaska declared war on the nation of Washington, who had declared independence from their ally Cascadia. Washington eventually surrendered.

The Knowlton and Kayleemar Era

Knowlton eventually acquired Alaska from Malso_ along with the help of Kayleemar. Under their watch, the nation slowly started to decline, where it was left with the capital of Fairbanks being 10 chunks, and with only one resident and no other towns.

The Tuzzzie and Fruitloopins Era

Tuzzzie and Fruit, the owners of the former nation of Yukon, decided they wanted to start new and fresh, as Yukon was dying gradually after the loss of Mopugose. They chose to buy the nation of Alaska from their friends, Knowlton and Kayleemar. Tuzzzie and Fruitloopins had a lot of work on their hands. In the span of around 7 months, they revitalized the Alaskan region, got Fairbanks to be one of the largest towns on the server, at almost 1000 chunks, as well as the nation having 55 towns and 311 residents in the nation. Alaska has never been better. They even ratified a new constitution for the nation where anyone can take part in the government. Alaska also has strong Alliances with both Cascadia and Katmai, two of it’s neighbors. Under Tuzzzie and Fruitloopins, there hasn’t been any wars and there has only been peace on the Alaskan plains.


Current Roles

Alaska is a semi-democratic nation with elections every month. The current government can be seen below.

Role Holder of the Role Town
Queen Tuzzzie Queen of Fairbanks
King Fruitloopins King of Fairbanks
Prime Minister fruity_mario24 Royal Chancellor of Fairbanks
Minister of Finance Vacant
Minister of Infrastructure GigaRiderTcad Mayor of Koyuk
Ministery of Defense Fruitloopins King of Fairbanks
Minister of Foreign Affairs kritmaster_ Councilor of Qikertak
Minister of Archival ashlyya Mayor of Peace_River
Minister of Recruitment OneSpookyGhost Mayor of Spokstad
Representative Rosin25 Resident of Qikertak
Representative PoliticalWater Mayor of Questen
Representative Sekhnmet Mayor of Volantis
Representative bobross42099 Mayor of HappyTrees
Representative kat_wizard Resident of Nahanni
Representative StinkyAnson Resident of Manifest_Destiny
Representative Toopg Mayor of Shiverpool


The constitution was ratified on the 18th of October, 2024. The constitution establishes the Monarch as the main ruler with certain restrictions. The constitution gives citizens many different freedoms.

Government Functions

All cabinet members and representatives may vote on proposed laws for the nation. Votes require majority vote to pass. Any member of Alaska can run in elections as a representative. When you have been a representative once, you are eligible for a Minister role. The Prime Minister is only behind the King and Queen. He is one of the main leaders. After ministers are elected, they will then vote on a Prime Minister. The cabinet consists of a Minister of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Defense, Infrastructure, Archival, and Recruitment. Each cabinet member focuses on their field, with help from the Prime Minister or representatives being offered when needed. Representatives are elected to represent the people of Alaska in government.




On December 31st, 2024, the nation of Katmai sold, as part of a larger deal, the town of Ahkiok, located on Kodiak Island, to Alaska for 150g. Alaska then allocated the new territory to the town of Qikertaq, where it absorbed Ahkiok and finally made Qikertaq the only town on Kodiak.


The nation of Mackenzie was sold to Alaska for 3500g after the former King Aurora:Xstoicx was defamed for his leftist politics by the OFN and mainly Cascadia's NEET Oligarch Shadow government.

Rocky Mountains

After long talks with the former leader of Rocky Mountains, 8set, the former nation was bought by Tuzzzie and Fruitloopins and almost all towns from Rocky Mountains joined Alaska, including the former capital of Dawnstar.


Formally a small nation on the coast of eastern Russia, it was acquired by Alaska without much hastle, and now is apart of Alaska.


Yukon sit on these nuts


Once a former gambling hub, AK slowly started to decline, and was eventually bought by Alaska, bringing in the town of St. Lawrence Island to Alaska's roster.



With the threat of war with Katmai running high, the nation of Alaska was split in the decision to go to war or not. In the end, the majority voted against war, but a few would carry the resentment for some time. These few planned on creating a new nation where they can be independent away from Alaskan governance. On the night of December 30th, 2024, they sprang into action, and broke off from Alaska, as well as a few towns including Bishop and Ruby, and created the new nation of Denali. Due to this, and without proper time to prepare, Alaska lost a few towns and had to scramble to set up new ones to regain the towns lost. In the beginning, there was a bit of animosity between the two nations; but after a bit of diplomacy, relations are now cordial.