Aurora:New Helsinki

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New Helsinki

History of New Helsinki

New Helsinki was Founded by Salbru on 19th July of 2022, located in southwest Finland. Salbru had returned to Aland after an unsucessful attempt to make Ethiopia, being beat to it by 12BarBruise.

As soon as the town had been created, it was reported that the town was apparently in the finnish borders, which is why invis people came to the town who where people from Viipuri and the nation, demanding the town to be deleted, which hasn't happened.

During 2022 to Mid 2023, New Helsinki had experienced relative growth in the next 10 or so months, until Salbru had decided that he'd want to make a nation with the capital as New Helsinki, but with him still being in Aland.

Tavastia (May-November 2023)

Tavastia was Founded On May 19th 2023, with the capital being New Helsinki, and the spawn being at the OG Spawn Build at the south part of the town.

Most Notably, there was a fishing event at the Aland-NH fishing zone, with 8 people attending the event.

New Helsinki street
New Helsinki in mid 2023

Unfortunately though, on June 15th 2023, Salbru had sold the nation to Veyronity which he sold to Arctic. With that New Helsinki was under RJ_Ace's rule.

Arctic Ownership

Under Arctic, Tavastia had fell under 10 residents and most of the towns had left the nation by this point, with Krakengaming13's town leaving, and ItsCubet's town leaving too, only Kekkoslinna and New Helsinki were the only towns left.

Revival Era

On November 15th, 2023. New Helsinki was re-bought by Salbru.

A new Nation shop had been built and the nation had started going trough its peak, even getting a PM, Megamiow

Salbru had also declared support for the Carpathia-Dacia war, and joined the Turkic Union

On December 2023, Salbru had left New Helsinki and quit EMC for a few months.

Death Era

Around the Same time, New Helsinki had fell and it had been wilderness for 3 months, until ItsAzalea had reclaimed the town but under a new name, Haamenlinna

ItzAzalea had not done much for the town during that time and was mostly inactive.

Again though, Salbru had re-bought the town on 22nd April for 350 gold, which was a major step for the Scandinavia Independence Rebellion, but the town owner had left 700 gold in their bank meaning Salbru gained a profit.

Independence Day and Death of Scandinavia

On May 6th, 2024 4 towns have Seceded from Finland, Hitra, Nokia, New Nokia and New Helsinki. Soon after the leader of Finland J1K resigned and made MM1kael the new temporary leader.

New Helsinki old town (demolished)

Many towns soon followed suit and joined Scandinavia, but due to Aland being a larger nation, Scandinavia's towns were leaving to join Aland, and on June 16th 2024, Salbru Resigned as Scandinavia Leader and soon after sold the nation to Aland.

New Helsinki, in the meantime was Sold to Baltic for 600 gold.

Baltic Era

Latveitis had originally bought the town, but the town was given to KNightfall, he had built an ice track above NH and had joined Aland to (unsucsessfully) spy on them.

Soon after, EstEmpTY would take over the town. Not much had been done, but the port had been remade to look better, and a few new buildings were made, until EstEmp left the town for it to be given to a holder in Baltic.

Comeback (present)

Salbru had the wish to come back to the town, and own a nation again too. Which is why he made a deal with Lithuania to help Tavastia be reformed. At the same time, Salbru came back to stop CFRhino for her actions in northern europe, and the name stealing of Scandinavia.

Nation Forming Process (still continuing)

On 16th January 2025, Salbru had bought Nokia which was the start of the nation forming. He had also gotten ErickAnimations to rejoin, and has got Smarket and ondrag1, who were both townowners in the past.

A few days later, On 18th January, New Helsinki was re-bought and Salbru had started purpousing the town to be ready for the nation.

4 days later though, Salbru had bought the nation of Finnmark and renamed it to Tavastia.

The nation is Undergoing the development process, which is reported to last until the end of Feburary 2025.

Town Owners of New Helsinki

  1. Salbru (July 19th 2022 - June 17th 2023)
  2. RJ_Ace (June 18th 2023 - November 6th 2023)
  3. Salbru (November 6th 2023 - December 2023)
  4. ItzAzalea (Feburary 16th 2024 - April 22nd 2024)
  5. Salbru (April 22nd 2024 - June 2024)
  6. K_Nightfall (June 2024 - Sept 2024)
  7. EstEmpTY (September 2024 - October 2024)
  8. KarlUus (October 2024 - January 18th 2025)
  9. Salbru (January 18th - present)