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Flag of Scythia.png
National Information
Full Name Dominion of Scythia
Towny Name Scythia
/n list
Formed 4 September 2023
National Anthem
Population PopulationSymbol.PNG 43 (11/11/2023)
Chunks 238
Towns 5
Capital City Krasneyu
Largest City Krasneyu
Oldest City
Government Information
Political System
Leader Luigixcy.png Luigixcy
Economic System
Army Size
Part of Danubian Confederation
Historical Information

In the rugged embrace of the Caucasian Mountains lies the tale of Krasneyu, a town with a history etched in the footsteps of ancient Crimeans. Founded in a bygone era, its roots intertwined with the Crimean Khaganate, Krasneyu flourished as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its people.

As the winds of time swept across the land, the Crimean Khaganate faced a decline, casting a shadow over the once-prosperous town. Krasneyu, once vibrant with life, succumbed to the wear and tear of history, its streets echoing the whispers of a fading era.

However, fate had other plans for Krasneyu. The Carpathian nobility, seeking new horizons and opportunities, cast their gaze upon the abandoned town. Drawn by the echoes of ancient tales and the promise of renewal, they resettled Krasneyu, breathing life back into its dilapidated structures.

Under the Carpathian nobility's stewardship, Krasneyu underwent a transformation, evolving into the pearl of the Caucasian Mountains. The town's architecture blended the influences of Crimean heritage with the distinctive Carpathian flair, creating a unique tapestry of culture and history.

Embracing their new home, the inhabitants of Krasneyu yearned for independence, fueled by a deep-seated connection to their Scythian precursors. As whispers of autonomy grew louder, the town rallied behind the banner of its ancient ancestors, vowing to reclaim the glory that once adorned the Caucasian landscape.

In a moment of collective determination, Krasneyu declared its independence, casting off the remnants of external rule and standing tall as a symbol of resilience. The town became a beacon of Scythian pride in the heart of the Caucasus, a testament to the strength of a community united by a shared history and a common vision.

Through the ages, Krasneyu's journey resonates as a story of rebirth and resurgence, a town that rose from the ashes of its past to reclaim its position as a jewel in the crown of the Caucasian Mountains.